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Friday, December 16, 2011

Regarding BCP2011

What is BCP2011? BCP 2011 is Board of Computing Professional Bill 2011. 


“We the Malaysian ICT professionals have been alarmed by the sudden announcement of the Board of Computing Professionals Draft Bill 2011 (hereby referred to as the BCP2011) which caught most of us off-guard resulting in mixed reactions and unnecessary arguments. As responsible Malaysian citizens, we trust and respect the Government’s intent to enhance the  ICT profession. In this spirit, we therefore do not object the Government’s intent to form the Board of Computing Professionals but in retrospect, we have NOT found any information and substantiation that suggests or concludes that the formation of the Board of Computing Professionals is the right and only answer to amicably resolve all matters that the Government perceive to be issues relating to the ICT profession, if such issues indeed do exist in the first place. This document is therefore presented to MOSTI as our joint voice and concerns in an attempt to seek answers and would in turn appreciate point by point answers to our questions and agreement to our requests.”

the detail can refer here : The Common Voice of ICT Professional on #CPB2011 is at

Friday, November 25, 2011

morning mumble

I just visited guest blog who visit my blog in other day, then i interested about this article mention that:

"One of the big hurdles for the Linux community is money. Many times there are not the funds from any one group to actually get a platform popular enough for mainstream use. Google has invested millions of dollars and will take a loss on much of the platform for a number of years in order to get it popular. This money will be made back through data that is provided by users as well as advertising. This is one of the only ways of getting Linux out there with a large company that has money.

Thursday, November 24, 2011


  1. What is F.O.C? Freedom of complain? Freedom of Comment? No. F.O.C is free of charge. Dalam bahasa ialah segalanya adalah percuma. Tiada Bayaran
  2. In business, why there is no f.o.c? Even in government, there also less f.o.c for people. I wonder why it's hard to get f.o.c either in business or live. Are they stingy? 

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Santapan malam

Bismillahi ArRahman ArRahim
Dengan Nama Allah Yang Amat Pemurah Lagi Maha Mengasihani

Salam sejahtera kepada junjungan kita Nabi Muhammad S.a.w serta ahli keluarga baginda serta muslimin dan muslimat sekalian.

Macam nak buat ucapan pula. Semalam ade menyasikan siaran ulangan halaqah menerusi Rasa macam dah lama dan jarang sekali mendengar kuliah atau syarahan agama. Maklumla sekarang zaman serta maju dan moden, manusia sibuk dengan hal dunia yang hanya sementara, tetapi lupa akan hal akhirat yang kekal selamanya. Banyak juga isu-isu yang menarik dipaparkan dan dibincangkan oleh ahli panel, antara tajuk yang menarik ialah kisah kesabaran Nabi Allah Ismail A.s dengan ayahandanya Nabi Allah ibrahim A.s. Tanda-tanda matinya iman seseorang mukmin itu, tawakal kepada Allah s.w..t, kisah kesabaran tokoh wanita utama kita iaitu Mariam ibunda kepada Nabi Allah Isa a.s.

Lalu disimpulkan daripada hasil pemahaman dari menghayati siaran Halaqah, saya terfikir "anggapla kita mati untuk hari ini, dan hidup untuk seribu tahun lagi".

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Hukum Business Dropship

Bisnes Dropship
Ketika menjalankan seminar berkaitan Sinar Niaga, pihak kami telah di ajukan pelbagai soalan berkaitan dropship dan salah satu soalan yang menarik untuk dikupas ialah mengenai hukum menjalankan bisnes berkonsepkan drosphip.

Di antara perkara yang membuatkan ramai orang ragu-ragu dengan perjalanan bisnes ini sah dari segi hukum syarak atau tidak ialah berkaitan berniaga hanya menggunakan gambar, ‘mark-up’ harga untuk di jual dan sebagainya.

Friday, November 4, 2011

40 People Who Changed the Internet

Error: Embedded data could not be displayed.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

For Sharing

Salam. Sesuatu yang menarik untuk dikongsi semasa waktu lapang. Sedang leka mencari kitab-kitab usul untuk rujukan, terjumpa sesuatu yang menarik. Iaitu laman jakim untuk digital islamic resource center. Khas untuk rujukan Al-quran serta tafsir. Sila layari sebagai pedoman dah penghatan kita sebagai umat islam yang bertaqwa. InsyaAllah.

Error: Embedded data could not be displayed.

Friday, October 28, 2011

10 perkara yang membatalkan Islam

Saudara muslim! Ketahuilah, bahawa terdapat beberapa perkara yang boleh  membatalkan Islam seseorang. Antara yang paling banyak terjadi ialah sepuluh perkara. Maka hindarilah diri anda daripadanya.

Syirik iaitu mempersekutukan Allah dalam ibadat. Firman Allah swt:
إِنَّهُ ُ مَنْ يُشْرِكْ بِاللَّهِ فَقَدْ حَرَّمَ اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ الْجَنَّةَ وَمَأْوَاهُ النَّارُ وَمَا لِلظَّالِمِينَ مِنْ أَنْصَارٍ } (المائدة: 72)
“Sesungguhnya sesiapa yang mempersekutukan Allah, nescaya Allah, mengharamkan Syurga baginya dan tempat tinggalnya (kelak) adalah neraka, dan tiada penolong bagi orang-orang yang zalim”. (Al-Maidah: 72)
Antara perbuatan syirik tersebut ialah: Meminta doa dan pertolongan dari orang-orang  yang telah mati, bernazar dan  menyembelih korban kepada mereka.

Resource from:
Read more..

Thursday, October 27, 2011

10 Perkara........

Ada 10 perkara yang perlu dilakukan dan tidak boleh dilupana iaitu:

1.   Jangan tinggalkan solat dengan sengaja.Sesungguhnya solat itu perkaya yang mula-mula dihisab di akhirat kelak. Solat tidak boleh diganti dan dibayar dengan denda. Solat juga adalah tiang agama. Solat juga menggalakan amal makruf dan mencegah maksiat.

2.     Hormatilah orang yang lebih tua daripada kita dan sayangi orang yang lebih muda daripada kita.

3.    Memberi itu lebih baik daripada menerima. Allah lebih menyanyangi orang yang suka memberi daripada orang yang suka meminta.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Sometimes this world is cruel. Dunia ini kejam? Tidak. Dunia tidak kejam, tetapi manusia yang kejam terhadap manusia lain. Sekarang baru aku rasa, kita tidak mungkin dapat kebahagiaan di dunia kejam ini. you will never gain happiness in this cruel world. Why? Sebab kebahagiaan sebenar dia akhirat kelak. Itu janji Allah untuk setiap orang yang beriman dan bertaqwa dengan nya. Ialah kadang-kadang rasa piss off juga. 
Siapa tak geram bila bersusah payah untuk dapatkan sesuatu, apabila tiba masanya ianya ditarik balik dan anda tidak dapat apa-apa. Hanya buang masa dan marah sahaja. Kalau diikutkan hati, memang frust. Then nak buat macamana, tiada rezeki katakan.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Kehendak Vs Keinginan

Salam 1 ukuwah, Salam 1malaysia. Good morning dude. Kekalahan teruk Manchester hari ini dalam sejarah. yeah. Sayur 1-6. Muahahaha.....-kasapsky™.

Apa itu kehendak? Apa itu keinginan?
Kehendak (will) ialah sesuatu yang kita mahukan ianya menjadi kenyataan. Iaitu sesuatu yang kita pilih. Kehendak bebas (bahasa Inggris: free will) adalah kemampuan yang dimiliki seseorang atau sesuatu makhluk untuk membuat pilihan secara sukarela, bebas dari segala kendala ataupun tekanan yang ada -wiki- 
Contoh: " Aku hendak sebuah kereta untuk bergerak kesana kesini." Tidak kira apa jenis kereta yang dapat asalkan ianya sebuah kereta dan pasti akan dapat.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Kehendak Vs Keinginan

Bila la nak dpt jam free macam ni?.... huhu. Dapat sebiji jadila....hehe

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Wednesday Morning
Morning and salam 1Malaysia. yeah. Pagi2 dah memblog xde keje. Cause maybe tension bandwith tiba2 slow nak download sql server express dgn xampp. I dont know why network from North America jadi slow. Huhu. Banyak gak benda baru nak kena blaja. Sekarang Microsoft dah lancarkan something new and useful free tool untuk developing new website for open source specially for beginer and simple setup. That's thing is Microsoft Webmatrix. Agak gempak jugala bagi developer cam aku yang limited resources and lacking of advance hardware. Ialah org lain dah pakai windows8 aku still guna xp. But's xp still the best and microsoft still support lagi windows Xp.

Thursday, October 13, 2011


Do you miss the carefree, good old happy days?

campaign imageRemember about the good old happy days when all you cared about was your ice cream, bicycle and bubble gums? Wouldn’t it be nice if we could relive the past?

Thanks to Olympus, we can now preserve the past with two new additions to the Olympus PEN line, the Olympus PEN Lite E-PL3 and Olympus PEN mini E-MP1! Win these awesome cameras when you participate in the ‘Happy Photography’ contest.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Info Sharing

Looking for stream your own radio? do you like music? Like hearing music everywhere? Mean your own music. Here i will introduce what i found experience during setup my best friend own radio station.
 There are 3 type of broadcasting:
1) Streaming cast online by using shoutcast or Icecast
2) Encode your mp3 library and upload to server. This step call podcast.
3) Using music streaming by store your mp3 file on cloud server such as ubuntu1

Thursday, October 6, 2011

What are u looking for today?

What zup dude? Looking for what? Job, penny, client, doctor, broker, salesgirl?...

or looking me?? hehe cheese...................

photo source:

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Mengisi Masa Lapang~

Antara game tower defensee yg menarik. animasi pun cun... mmg puas hati + free....

The kingdom is under attack! Defend your realm against hordes of orcs, trolls, evil wizards and other nasty fiends; armed with a mighty arsenal of warriors and mages of your own!. Antara game yg menarik untuk membuang masa.... haha

Monday, October 3, 2011

Cerita Klasik

Suatu masa dahulu, terdapat tiga orang sahabat yang sedang mengembara. Di dalam perjalanan, mereka bertiga ada menjumpai sebatang sungai yg begitu luas lebarnya. Airnya begitu deras dan dalam. Ia sememangnya mustahil untuk menyeberangi sungai tersebut dengan hanya berenang. Untuk menyeberang sungai tersebut, tiga sahabat ini terpaksa membina sesuatu seperti rakit untuk menyeberanginya. Lalu mereka bertiga bertungkus lumus menebang buloh untuk diikat dibuat rakit. Selama seharian mereka bertungkus lumus menyiapkan rakit tersebut hingga larut malam. Kemudian keesokan harinya mereka melepaskan rakit tersebut lalu cuba menyeberangi sungai besar itu.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Selamat Menyambut Ramadhan 1432H

Kepada semua umat islam, Selamat menyambut Ramadhan Almubarak. Semoga tahun ini lebih baik ganjaranya daripada tahun-tahun yang lepas.

Friday, July 22, 2011

M'sia 19th safest country: Global Peace Index

Refer to GPI(Global Peace Index) 2011, Malaysia has been ranked the most peaceful country in South East Asia, the fourth safest in the Asia Pacific behind New Zealand, Japan and Australia, and the 19th safest and peaceful out of 153 countries in the world.

What is Global Peace Index?

The Global Peace Index (GPI), the first ever study to rank the nations of the world by their peacefulness and to identify potential drivers of peace, is a core asset of the Institute. It is maintained by the Institute for Economics and Peace and developed in consultation with an international panel of peace experts from peace institutes and think tanks with data collected and analysed by the Economist Intelligence Unit.

Source: GPI &

My Quote

"Successful is not what we can decided, but what we can choose" - Kasapsky

"Kejayaan itu bukan sesuatu untuk diputuskan, tetapi untuk dipilih" - Kasapsky

It's mean we can't decide either successful or failure, but can choose either to success or fail.

Monday, July 18, 2011

New look

New Looks, new dream, new mission.....

new corporate tag "You call, We answer.."
Coming soon.........

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Calling Creative influencers, 3 more weeks till closing date!

Chase Your Dreams, produce your own Animation, Comic or Games
Dear Malaysians, 20 animations, 20 digital interactive comic, 10 games will be funded, if you know any local talents that are excited about the creative multimedia please spread the news! Closing Date 8th of Aug 2011.

Do you have an idea for a game?
Talented Malaysians, where art thou?
Do you know anybody that wants to produce their own Animation?
Join us :

Friday, July 15, 2011

Community Advetiser


The early bird catches the worm! Congratulations on being one of the 13,000 who’ve taken the first step to discovering their future.
GRADUAN® ASPIRE Career & Postgraduate Fair, 12noon–6pm, 16 & 17 July at KL Convention Centre (Hall 5).
- FREE Admission (It’s for everyone!)
- Liverpool Vs Malaysia Grandstand tickets up for grabs - Lucky Draw, 16th July 3pm
- Goodie bags for the first 5,000 visitors
- 60+ of Malaysia’s most desirable employers and institutions of higher learning
- Youth Community Groups, Career Clinics and Workshops, Public Speaking Competitions, and more!
Check out for more details
Don’t keep the good news to yourself – Tell your friends! See you there!!

Monday, July 11, 2011

My Daily Life

Setiap pagi selalu ku bangkit lewat pagi.
Tido macam anak hippo.


Then wake up getting shower under sinks tap. Segar dan nyaman. Good morning everybody.


Lepas mandi terasa kelaparan yang amat. Menjengah sesuatu dibawah tudung salji adalah perkara wajib selepas mandi..

Setelah kenyang, apa lagi switch on pc, membuka laman muka buku adalah satu kewajipan…...

Apabila boring dengan karenah muka buku yang asyik dc, jengah2 burung-burung berkicauan di jendelaku..

Kadang-kadang sekodeng jiran sebelah ada juga nikmatnya. Kalau dipandang kedua-dua belah mata memang dosa, tapi kalau 1 mata kira 1/2 dosa.


Tiap-tiap hujung minggu, inilah aktivitiku dengan rakan-rakan 

Bila penat seharian bersosial, sungguh letih hari ini….

Bila malam hari, inilah kerjaku. aysik susun buah je.

Jam sudah menunjukan pukul 1pg, apa lagi masuk tido la…..Guling-guling sebelum lena pun nikmat.

Dalam mimpi inilah kerjaku sebagai seekor kitten yang sangat nakal. Mencekik orang dari blakang... hehe

 The End.
Dedicated for kitten lover out there. 

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Sunday Morning

Selamat pagi semua.Salam sayang Royce saya'n. Ceh mentang2 tgh santai sambil mendengar lagu Cinta ke langit nyanyian Royce saya'n.. So pagi2 buta ni terasa plak nak taip dekat blog ni. Lama gak xposting new entry. (sebab xde idea ape nak ditulis). So just want to say my random talk.

Dalam 2-3 minggu ni tmnet xabis mengupgrade line sialmyx mereka. Laju kejap je, pastu slow nak mampus. Nak layan muvie mmg xde harapan. You tube xyah citer. rates setakat 9 kbps ape kejadah. So bosan2 buatla benda mengarut. 

Ok, focus on my topic today is about hacking. Lebih dikenali sebagai gondam. Sebab akhir ini banyak website gov kena gondam, and ramai gak tanya dekat aku camana nak hack. Kadang2 ada jugak terasa nak gondam line streamyx ni, Tapi pikir2 balik kalau gondam pun cam xguna line problem sebab hardware pisikal, so it useless. Generally, menggondam ini adalah salah di sisi undang2. But for me hacking is mean learning. You hack because want to learn the technical structure about certain system develop from others. For good reason to know and find the weakness about that system. Tapi kadang2 bila dah hebat sangat mula la lupa diri. Ok straight to the point.


Measures taken to prevent website hackers, says Rais

KUALA LUMPUR June 15 - The government is taking the necessary cyber security measures to prevent hacking of the government’s official website, Information, Communications and Culture Minister Datuk Seri Dr Rais Yatim said today. He said the government was prepared for any eventuality of attacks.
"This is something we have not expected but we have faced this threat a few times before.
"We have informed the authorities to be aware of it; we have been taking the necessary preventive action through Mampu (Malaysian Administrative Modernisation and Management Planning Unit), MCMC (Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission) and agencies responsible for security,” he told reporters after opening the World Bloggers and Social Media Summit 2011, here.
Dr. Rais was commenting on a plan by a foreign-based hackers group, Anonymous, to hack into the government’s official website at 3.30 am tomorrow.
”Anonymous” had cited alleged Internet censorship by the government and the recent blocking of 10 file-sharing sites in Malaysia as two of the reasons for wanting to launch the attack, which it codenamed “Operation Malaysia”.
Commenting on that, Dr. Rais reiterated that Malaysia did not impose Internet censorship but said it would not hesitate to take action against websites which contained criminal elements.
He said it was also not fair for the group to attack the government”s portal because of that, and added that the group had misunderstood Malaysia”s intention in banning the sites.
"I think they have misunderstood the good intention as well as the reality of the day. We do not have censorship. Only when crime is committed through the cyberspace, the mechanism (censorship) comes into place,” he said.
He said the banned websites could appeal to the MCMC to lift the ban, although so far the MCMC had not received any appeal to do so.
Earlier, in his keynote address, Dr. Rais spoke of the need to have effective good writers in the blogging community who were fair and responsible in their writing.
He said the professionalism and guidelines for blogging must always be upheld.
"Blogs and blogging are a new phenomenon. There are thousands of bloggers but how many of them are actually trained in journalism. It is important to understand what is guiding them and make them responsible for what they write and the way they illustrate news.
"I firmly believe that bloggers have a huge role to play, as a “new voice” in this borderless world. They must use the voice for the good of our nation - to be catalysts for integration among our people,” he said.
He said that with the influx of information, the people also must equip themselves with the knowledge of choosing what is best for them and society.
On another matter, he said that as of June 8, total broadband subscription in Malaysia had reached 4.98 million, household broadband subscription, 3.9 million and wireless broadband subscription, 2.7 million.
Internet users in Malaysia stood at 17.5 million as at April and 3G subscription at 9.7 million as of the first quarter of this year, he added.
Some 400 bloggers from across the world attended the event. - Bernama

The hacking activity has been named “Operation Malaysia”.
In a statement published on Pastebin, foreign-based Anonymous Hacker explains the reasons why they want to launch the attack:
Greetings, Malaysia,
We have seen the censorship taken by the Malaysian government, blocking sites like The Pirate Bay, and WikiLeaks. Malaysia is one of the world’s strictest governments, even blocking out movies, and television shows. These acts of censorship are inexcusable. You are taking away a basic human right. The internet is here for freedom, without fear of government interference. Do not think that no one else notices. Your structured government has done the talking, and we hear loud and clear. Let this be an announcement to all your people. This is a sign, a warning, and an opportunity to listen to ideas above your own. In a way you are being stubborn. But how will this help anyone or your country. We fear that if you make further decisions to take away human freedom. We are obligated to act fast and have no mercy. For rules were meant to be broken. And corruption was meant to be washed away and forgiven. Now we will wash your corruption away so be prepared. Take this as a favor.
We are Anonymous.
We are Legion.
We do not forgive.
We do not forget.
Expect Us.
In short, Anonymous Hacker is acting against various acts of censorship by the Malaysian Government, including its recent move to block file-sharing sits such as Pirate Bay and WikiLeaks.

Pergh, ganaz gak orang asing sekarang. But it's true. Tapi bila difikirkan kembali, mesti ada sebab lain kenapa diorg melakukan pengondaman.
1. Mungkin sebab duit, diupah orang individu yang tidak dikenali.
2. Mungkin untuk menjatuhkan system security yang sedia ada. So gov will be looking new system to improve their system security. Then diorg offer la system keselamatan baru. (dapat gak duit)
3. Mungkin sebab suka2 saja nak test ceroboh. Sebab provokasi from Malaysia Gov.
4. Mungkin nak buktikan yang kroni supply sistem security yg sedia ada mmg xleh pakai. Sebab diorg hanya tahu untuk songlap duit rakyat.
5. Mungkin antara satu teknik untuk mengaburi misi sebenar. Sebagai contoh untuk mencuri maklumat perisikan atau siasatan, perlu ada diversion(pengallih arah) so all safety caution will be focus on that diversion, they will forget about others, maybe.(macam citer filem pulak)

Kesimpulannya, pengajaran dari peristiwa ini, Mengondam tidak semestinya untuk melakukan kejahatan, but it is about learning something. Because we need to learn first before do hacking. Kalau bongok xnak belajar camane nak jadi super hacker. For more reading please refer to this site: How To Hack – Beginners Guide to Hacking Computers You will find some idea about hacking. Wish good luck to all. May god bless you all. Amin

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Tafsir Al-Quran "Surah Al-Kafirun"

Dengan nama Allah, Yang Maha Pemurah, lagi Maha Mengasihani

Katakanlah (wahai Muhammad): "Hai orang-orang kafir! 
"Aku tidak akan menyembah apa yang kamu sembah. 
"Dan kamu tidak mahu menyembah (Allah) yang aku sembah. 
"Dan aku tidak akan beribadat secara kamu beribadat. 
"Dan kamu pula tidak mahu beribadat secara aku beribadat. 
"Bagi kamu ugama kamu, dan bagiku ugamaku"

rujukan dari:               
Tafsir Quran Karim Prof. DR. H. Mahmud Yunus
Cetakan :P.N. Klang, Selangor ISBN No: 983-61-0007-5


Sebahagian kaum Quraisy berkata: "Ya Muhammad, ikutlah agama kami, nanti kami ikut agamamu. Kamu sembah Tuhan kami setahun dan kami sembah Tuhan kamu setahun pula. Na'uu billaah, kata Nabi, aku berlindung pada Allah dari pada syirik itu. Kemudian turunlah surah Al-kafirun ini.
Katakanlah ya Muhammad :
"Hai orang-orang kafir, aku tidak akan menyembah berhala yang kamu sembah dari sekarang sampai dimasa yang akan datang dan kamu tidak pula akan menyembah Tuhan yang kusembah. Aku tak pernah dari dahulu menyembag berhala yang kamu sembah, dan kamu tak pernah pula menyembah Tuhan yang kusembah. Bagi kamu agamamu dan bagiku agamaku.
Menurut tafsir itu Nabi Muhammad s.w.t tidak pernah menyembah berhala dari kecilnya sampai dewasa dan menjadi Nabi dan Rasul. Jadi Nabi itu suci dari syirik sejak dari kecilnya.

untuk rujukan luar sila layari :

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Dulu, Kini Dan Sekarang

Kadang-kadang orang cakap, "the best product take's time". Sesuatu benda yang baik perlukan masa yang lama untuk dihasilkan. Sometimes when it takes time too long, it will consume your passion. It's is true? For me, it might be or might be not. i am lost right now. Still confuse. Perlu atau tidak. Kadang-kadang terpikir juga "bodohnya aku ini" kesiankan orang lain, tapi in the end diri sendiri yang susah. Nak cakap tiada perasaan a.k.a "jealous" tu memang bohong la. Ialah bila tengok seko2 berjaya dalam hidup diaorg, kadang2 ada juga timbul perasan phd tu. Tapi bagi aku itu rezeki diorang. Mungkin rezeki aku delay, or suatu hari nanti. Maybe esok, lusa, tulat, next week, next year, year after year, lepas 2012 ke. mana tau.... Tapi buat masa ni solution aku ialah sabar. Nak patah balik xboleh. Kalau tiap-tiap kali salah jalan, xkan nak kena format je selalu. Mampusla. Kalau h/disk nak format banyak-banyak kali xde hal. Ni xkan nak format balik career aku. Gila. sekarang umur dah cecah 29, next year jadi 30. So nak repeat balik study semata2 untuk career tetapi in the end still fail, xguna juga. Ialah kadang-kadang terpikir jugak, belajar tinggi2, ada degree, perabis duit beratus ribu, then keje jadi kuli batak gaji ciput, memang menguji tahap kesabaran sungguh. Tapi apakan daya, inilah rezeki aku masa kini. So angan-angan nak keje mewah memang xde harapan la. Sebab semua pilih kroni dgn bulu. Apa nak buat. Korek hidung, gentel2 pastu buang je la. Xpe, slow2 beb. Rezeki ada di mana2. Dah puas gak asyik lari daripada masalah. So sekarang aku dah decide, no more run. i will fight until dying. Macam naruto. haha.. Letih bila jumpa masalah je, nak lari selamatkan diri. So sekarang apa nak buat, layan je la......

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Happy New Year

Selamat Tahun Baru 2011. Moga Panjang Umur murah rezeki.