Bunga oh Bunga. Bunga Kristal. Ku pintal, Ku pulas, jadi lah kau Bunga. Walaupun dirimu tidak asli, tetapi kau tetap mengisi ruang tamuku. Bunga oh Bunga Kristal.
"The king is dead, long live the king!"
Sunday, September 8, 2019
Thursday, September 5, 2019
Blogging on the go
1st time try. Writing from Android. Even the app is too old. So who's care. Writing blog for myself. Weird right. Who else wants to read, accept me. Too shy writing on FB and Instagram. It is funny. Like talking to another person but talking to myself. Ha ha ha. Tbc....
Monday, September 2, 2019
"The king is dead, long live the king!"

dan Salam Sejahtera.
Terasa sudah lama tiada penulisan di blog ini. Sekejap sahaja masa berlalu. Hari ini 2 september 2019. Banyak juga perubahan telah berlalu. Mula-mula buka balik blog, bermacam-macam idea datang untuk menulis. Tetapi sekarang, tiba-tiba semua hilang. haha. Masalah juga ini. Bukan senang ingin menjadi penulis. Untuk mengarang memerlukan kreativiti dan buah fikiran yang matang. Maklumla berangan-angan ingin menjadi seorang penulis tetapi gagal. Tetapi sekarang sudah ada google translator. Jadi senangla untuk pembaca luar negara untuk membaca blog ini. (walaupun reader seorang sahaja iaitu penulis, haha syok sendiri akan tetapi kita layan sahaja.
Topik kita hari ini adalah mengenai perubahan waktu iaitu waktu sekarang. Melalui pemerhatian saya, apa yang kita perolehi sekarang seperti nilai duit/matawang, kenalan, harta, hakmilik, saudara/mara, keluarga, perniagaan, pekerja dan lain-lain sudah banyak berubah. Sekarang teknologi semakin cepat membangun seperti telefon pintar. Mari kita ulas mengenai telefon pintar. (keluar topik seketika.)
Telefon Pintar/ Smartphone
Dahulu telefon pintar hanya digunakan untuk sms, telefon kenalan, awek sahaja. Kemudian divariasikan dengan lagu monotone, mesej bergambar. Sekarang telefon pintar menjadi nadi untuk pengguna seperti saya. Kenapa? Sebab setiap urusan hari ini semua menggunakan telefon pintar sebagai "key point". Dengan pengenalan ewallet seperti boost, touch n go, bigcard, ebanking, semuanya memerlukan akses daripada telefon pintar. 2nd tier security juga mengunakan telefon pintar sebagai code generator. Jadi apa-apa urusan online hampir semuanya memerlukan telefon pintar untuk interaksi. Kadang-kadang terasa risau juga kalau kehilanga telefon pintar, susah juga dibuatnya.
Untuk penulisan seterusnya, kita sambung kemudian.....
Thursday, September 19, 2013
The New IOS 7
The mobile OS from a whole new perspective
Just updated to new ios 7. More simple and fast interface.
Saturday, July 6, 2013
New lesson if your website been hacked!
Today, it's seem like my command center has been attacked. With internet line port problem, blackout. Plus my website domain name www.kasapsky.com.my has been hacked. It's might be or not involved with recently malaysian .my attacker. But who knows the important thing when your website been hacked or hijacked?
the 1st thing i should do is contacting my domain host for help. It's better asked their help rather solve yourself. Why? When you contact the team, they can investigate and alert for next attack. Or other their client for be alert. It's show that not only you life in this planet.
2nd step can refer here. Google have prepare this for help hacked victim.
The understanding step can be found here: http://www.google.com/webmasters/hacked/
3rd step is for my opinion, never save or store your client or customer data on your website. Even encrypted data is not save when hacker have your administrator credential. So the alternative way is store your client important data on other way. Use other services which not involved direct with your main site. So when your website has been hacked, your customer and client data is still save. Always remember this word " Prevent is better than cure". New hacker will keep growth. And they will become smart too. So don't underestimated them. What they want is your money. The super secure protector website or services such application, antivirus, websecured never existed. Only super secure way is existed. That is your own way to survive. It's mean save something important in static place is not safe anymore. To defeat your enemy, you must know how and who your enemy do and don't. Stay tune. i will shared other stuff in next post.
the 1st thing i should do is contacting my domain host for help. It's better asked their help rather solve yourself. Why? When you contact the team, they can investigate and alert for next attack. Or other their client for be alert. It's show that not only you life in this planet.
2nd step can refer here. Google have prepare this for help hacked victim.
The understanding step can be found here: http://www.google.com/webmasters/hacked/
3rd step is for my opinion, never save or store your client or customer data on your website. Even encrypted data is not save when hacker have your administrator credential. So the alternative way is store your client important data on other way. Use other services which not involved direct with your main site. So when your website has been hacked, your customer and client data is still save. Always remember this word " Prevent is better than cure". New hacker will keep growth. And they will become smart too. So don't underestimated them. What they want is your money. The super secure protector website or services such application, antivirus, websecured never existed. Only super secure way is existed. That is your own way to survive. It's mean save something important in static place is not safe anymore. To defeat your enemy, you must know how and who your enemy do and don't. Stay tune. i will shared other stuff in next post.
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