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Thursday, January 21, 2010

Microsoft Suck Part II

by Huei   
Wednesday, 20 January 2010 12:10 PM

News:German Government Urges Citizens to Stop Using IE 

It looks like the recent attack against Google has caused the German Government to urge all IE users to stop using that browser. A couple of days ago, McAfee released a detailed report regarding the cyber-attack on Google and other major technology companies, stating that there is a flaw in all versions of Internet Explorer, allowing hackers to gain complete control of the compromised system. Microsoft has also admitted that IE was one of the vectors used in the targeted and sophisticated attack. While the vulnerability that allow hackers to perform a Remote Code Execution is being fixed by Microsoft, the German Federal Office for Security in Information Technology (known as BSI), has warned its citizens about the vulnerabilities and urged them to switch to alternative browsers until the problem has been fixed.

France: No IE For Us Either


If you think that the recent attack on Google is nothing to worry about, countries like Germany, and now even France thinks so otherwise. Following the German BIS’s move who warned its citizens against using the vulnerable browser, the French Government, Certa, an organization to protect users against cyber threats, has also warned users against using IE. After the initial warning set off by the German Government, a Microsoft spokesman in Germany said that such move is unnecessary because the recent attack was strictly against Google, and that there are no threats to general users. It’s always better to be safe than sorry, moreover, the ways to exploit the flaw has already been posted in detail online.

paste from

So this is the fact that the bigger you are, there will be the bigger chance to become target. So don't proud that if you are bigger company, you will be invulnerable. Actually windows is the one corrupted my hard disk, not virus. 

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


"Jangan terlalu susah hati dengan urusan dunia. Akhirat itu lebih utama dan hidup di sana lebih lama dan kekal selamanya"

"Jangan sengaja lewatkan solat. Perbuatan ini Allah tidak suka. Kalau tertidur lain cerita."

"Jangan tidur selepas solat Subuh, nanti rezeki mahal(kerana berpagi-pagi itu membuka pintu berkat)."

"Jangan makan tanpa membaca BISMILLAH dan doa makan. Nanti rezeki kita dikongsi syaitan."

"Jangan keluar rumah tanpa niat untuk membuat kebaikan. Takut-takut kita mati dalam perjalanan."

"Jangan biarkan mata liar di perjalanan. Nanti hati kita gelap diselaputi dosa."

"Jangan menangguh taubat bila berbuat dosa kerana mati boleh datang bila-bila masa."

"Jangan ego untuk meminta maaf pada ibu bapa dan sesama manusia kalau memang kita bersalah.."

"Jangan mengumpat sesama rakan taulan. Nanti rosak persahabatan kita hilang bahagia. "

"Jangan lupa bergantung kepada ALLAH dalam setiap kerja kita. Nanti kita sombong apabila berjaya. Kalau gagal kecewa pula."

"Jangan bakhil untuk bersedekah. Sedekah itu memanjangkan umur dan memurahkan rezeki kita."

"Jangan banyak ketawa. Nanti mati jiwa."

"Jangan biasakan berbohong, kerana ia adalah ciri-ciri munafik dan menghilangkan kasih orang kepada kita."

"Jangan suka menganiaya manusia atau haiwan. Doa makhluk yang teraniaya cepat dimakbulkan ALLAH. "

"Jangan mempertikaikan kenapa ISLAM itu berkata JANGAN. Sebab semuanya untuk keselamatan kita. ALLAH lebih tahu apa yang terbaik untuk hamba ciptaanNya."

"Jangan suka mengaibkan orang. Nanti kelak anak kita aibkan kita pulak"

"Jangan biarkan SAJE pesanan ni. Pesankan kepada semua saudara islam yang cucu kenal !!"
Wasalam Cu, Ingat Pesanan Nenek ni!

'Sebarkanlah ajaranku walau satu ayat pun'-(Sabda Rasulullah SAW)-