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Friday, October 30, 2009

Kota Sejarah Islam


IBU kota Republik Arab Suriah (Syria). kota terbesar di Syria. salah sebuah kota tertua di dunia dan merupakan pusat kebudayaan. pendldikan,ekonomi, perdagangan dan politik Syria, serta pusat perdagangan penting di antara negara-negara Arab bahagian Timur. DAMASCUS menjadi ibu kota pemerintahan Dinasti Umaiyah pada tahun 661- 750 . Setelah dinasti ini jatuh, Damascus menjadi bahagian dari wilayah pemerintah kerajaan-kerajaan Islam hingga awal abad ke- 20.

IA dibangunkan sekitar 3000 tahun sebelum Masihi. Islam masuk ke Damascus ketika Syria dan Palestin yang dikuasai oleh bangsa Rom di takluk tentera Islam di bawah pimpinan pahlawan -pahiawan Isiam ternama Khalid Ibn Walid , Amr bin As, Abu Ubaidah bin Jarrah, Yazid bin Abu Sufyan dan Syuhrabil bin Hasanah pada masa pemerintahan Khalifah Umar bin Khattab.

SELAMA Bani Umaiyah berkuasa ke atas kota inl, ia telah dijadikan pusat penyebaran ajaran Islam dan perluasan wilayah kekuasaan hingga ke Afrika Utara, Sepanyol, Asia Tengah, Persia, India, Semenanjung Arab, Iraq , Syria, Palestin, Jordan, Mesir, Afrika Utara sampai ke Samudera Atlantik, Asia Tengah hingga ke perbatasan China dan Rusla seiatan dan juga Sind .

PADA abad ke-ll dan ke-12, pada masa pemerintahan Dinasti Abbasiyah, Damascus menjadi pusat Salahuddin Yusuf al-Ayyubi, pemimpin Islam dari Mesir , untuk melawan tentera salib yang menguasai Palestin .

SEHINGGAhari ini, ketrampilan Damascus sebagai sebuah kota yang melambangkan ketinggian tamadun umat Islam pada zaman silam amat nyata terutama pada bangunan-bangunan yang masih utuh dan mengagumkan.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Quote Of the Day

"When you have nothing, you have nothing to fear" -Kasapsky-

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Once upon a time as criminal...

During shuffle and searching important document for my own reference, then found this funny document. Huhu teringat balik, masa saat2 kena tinggal flight. Tak pernah dibuat orang seumur hidup flight tunggu passenger, haha. This happen during my return back from Miri to JB.

Tak tahan kena panggil subjek. Cam criminal la pulak. Huhu. Actually aku dah duduk Miri more than 6 months. Supposedly kena update passport every 3 months, but sebab malas nak gie and HR pulak xlayan budak2 trainee so my passport expired. Jadi bila masa nak pulang pihak imigresen pun kasik surat nie. Rasa cam kena halau je, haha tapi sebenarnya surat ni la penyelamat. Sometime kita tak tau takdir Allah. So ceritanya begini. Mula2 dah janji dgn officemate utk antar ke airport pukul 2. So perjalanan dr rumah ke airport approximately dlm 45 minit. Kalo gerak kul 2, sampai dlm kul 3. Fligth departure kul 4 so still ade 15minit lagi before kaunter close. Because Air Asia will close its counter 45 minute before departure. Tapi yang bestnye officemate datang kul 3.30 pm. woh dia bujet aku naik MAS. So anytime leh checkin. Then dgn gelabahnya dia pun drive cam Mike Webber 120km/h on the road dgn langgar traffic light sepanjang jalan. So sampai airport dlm kul 3.55pm. Masa tu flight aku AK 5741 sudah redi utk berlepas. Then pergila berlari2 ke kauter yg dah tutup.

Akak kaunter : " adik nak balik kuching ke?" sebab masa tu tinggal kaunter check in ke kuching flight kul 530pm.

then aku jawab :" kak saya nak balik ke JB. Kaunter ke JB mane kak?" dgn wat muka inocent tercungap2 sebab berlari.

Akak kaunter dgn kerut dahi berkata: "Kaunter JB dah close dik. Flight nak terbang dah. Sorry Adik kena tunggu next flight sebab xboleh dah check in. Flight dah standby nak berlepas"

then dgn nada sayu dan pura2 innocent lagi : "Kak tolong saya kak. Saya kena balik juga hari ni. Kalo tak nanti saya kena tangkap masuk jail. Kak tgk surat ni. Imigresen paksa saya balik hari ni jugak. tolong la kak. Saya merayu. Saya mmg salah. Tapi saya kena balik jugak hari ini. Tolong Kak tolong.." mmg tak boleh bla lakonan spontan aku ni.

Akak kaunter sambil berkerut dahi mata merah, sebab mekap tebal sangat nampak cair perlahan2 kerana berpeluh : " mmm..... tapi janji jangan buat lagi. Kak tolong kali ni je. Faham!"

aku : " Terima kasih kak. harap tuhan balas jasa kakak. saya janji ni skali je. Mmg salah saya. terima kasih kak" 

Akak kauter pun mencapai walkie talkie di kaunternya lalu call pilot :" Emergency, emergency. Ade important passenger need to boarding immediately today. Over" 

Pilot "Calling Cockpit to counter. Permission deny. Flight already on track. Over "

Akak kaunter "Emergency, emergency. This passenger need aboard immediately. Got force letter from imegresen. Over"

Pilot "Ok. 5 minutes. 5 minutes. Roger and out".

Akak kaunter : "Roger. Ok saya bagi awak 5 minit untuk sampai ke Flight. kalo lambat tinggal..." dgn muka marah penuh kesabaran.

Aku : "Terima kasih kak. Saya pergi dulu. ok 5 minit"

So berlari la aku dgn menggendong 2 beg berat, satu laptop lama yg berat 3.5 kg dgn backpack lebih kurang 1 kg. Cam ala2 James Bond lak berlari, perut tak tahan nak tergelak. Org keliling semua tgk. Terus naik escalator, then sampai ke inspection door, semua org dah tunggu dgn walkie talkie. Abg guard pun terus cakap masuk je xpayah check. Terfikir lak niat jahat kenape aku xseludup barang time camni, sure diorg xcheck. rasa rugi pulak. haha. Lepas je inspection door guard tu pun terus call walkie talkie "Ok subjek dah bergerak menuju ke Pintu pelepasan, Over" huh cam criminal lari dlm airport. siap report aku dah pass inspection door. Then sampai je pintu pelepasan, mak ai jauhnye flight. That time flight AK tu dah wat uturn balik sebab nak pickup aku. so berlari-larila cam org giler ke tengah landasan sambil diiringi staff-staff airport. Cam siot jugak lak diorg beratur berderet sambil call walkie-talkie "subjek dah lepas. Subjek dah lepas" siap gelak2 senyum cipan. Mane tak nya tgk aku berlari2 ala2 gaya James Boncit kena tinggal flight. So mmg sampai 5 minit pun and that flight to JB haritu delay 5 minit sebab tunggu aku. "Bang!" sampai2 je nampak diorg bukak pintu cockpit dgn tangga. Macam VIP la pulak. haha. Naik je flight  semua passenger tunjuk muke bengang dgn aku pasal aku flight delay. Siap announce lak tu. demmit. But tengah kelam kabut tu akhirnya dapat jugak aku pulang ke semenanjung. Syukur. Mula2 bujet macam xlepas nak balik tapi sebab surat imigresen tu jadi penyelamat. Huhu kenangan yang xboleh dilupakan sampai biler2. Huhu later aku akan cerita satu lagi pengalaman yg xleh dilupakan. Saat2 kena bedah kat Hospital Ipoh.  to be continue......

Monday, October 26, 2009

Continue from previous post....(Sometimes, it is our fate)

mm.. actually this is continue from previous post.

she replied:

to be honest...i want u to know.......sorry if i am wrong...but yesterday..i really2 dissapointed with u...because i promise to go out with u late nigth for drink together as usual and u say ok. 3times.... then i wait until 12 am....but u are not in ur room..and u say u are going out with ur  fren(guy)...... 

>> i am really really sorry for what i have done... but i really had waited for u to call / msg me las nite... if u do contact me, im sure i'll be back soon enuf to be with you... (ive waited coz i tot u were stil bz with ur fren at the room) 

if u are in my side.....u tak rase kecewa ker bila ur lover leh kuar with other guy and left u behind........

>> i will feel kecewa... if i said im not, that is a lie lah... but if my lover do kua wif other girl (his frens), i respect his decision..... things happen for reason... but.... i cant accept it if the girl is my partner's scandal-to-be 

actually it is true i not jealous but when the time u realy2 need me, but i is not there....what are u feel.....i just want u to think by ur self.....i am so sorry because i cant lie with my heart........ 

>> i felt sad with u las evening bcoz of the picture... how much i wanted to tell to other people that u are mine, and im urs; but u stopped me to do that... i was shocked and sad =( i want u to be supportive with me not to condem me, but u were just not there........................ 

it ups to u then....if u are really want me,need me ...u can come back to me.....i already can accept u....remember i dont left u behind.....but if u dont want ups to u then...... 

>> i really do want u.. however, i really dont like to dissapoint the one that i love... and yet, i always make u feel dissapointed on me......
huhu............... =(

i know i am too weak, i don have anything...just want on u in my side, support me, help, temankan me.....that it what i want, not only have awek as what u think...... 

>> i know im not the good person, not the right girl u are looking for... the real me, my bad is jus tooo much than my good... im sure u'll say no to me if u know my trueself in the first place....... u are just too good for me... seriously im nothing to be compared to u...... =( 

mmg i tak marah when u keluar with ur guy fren, but i cannat lie with my hearth, i mmg rase kecewa, and rasenye every guy will dissapointed when his true love go out with other, even if that is is bestfren.......... 

>> i know about this long2 time ago

that i only need just u said "sayang, i am sorry" that it...tue jer just to cool down myself.....but u did anything else....... 

>> sayang, i am sorry.... 

u are not wrong, but i am also....

>> i dont blame you, but me to start this in the fes place...... 

so jus think in my up to u to choose.....either u want me or not......n want to let u know i love u because is not just ade awek. i choose u because i want someone fill my empty space, to give spirit to live, make me visible, take me ou from my darkness... 

>> i want you.... i really want to be with u all the time...

then i already show u how seriusly i love u, i am worry when u go out with other guy, something bad thing can happen....tha why.. not jealous but worry...that mean i really2 love u my dear..... 

>> im  touched.. thank you for loving me well enuf 

it is not mean i kongkong u, but to protect u...but i know u will be not understand......thats why the first love cant be long forever,.....because we only think about ourself, not others...... 

>> fes love always be the nicest one, even the longest one...... 

so this time i want u decide urself......either u want me let u go or u come back to yours choice......... 

>> i want to come back to you but im just to afraid to dissapoint u again and again later................ =(

and thank you my dear because u give me a nice time to remember while only the short time.........and if have anything problem, dont hesistate to call me for help.....;) u are the one, the first and the last.......u will know if u are on my side....;)  

>> if bad thing happend between u and me later, im just too weak to see u again.... 

so that person she going out is playboy who i don't like. If other person i don't care much, but that person i really2 hate cause he is playboy and why he must interfere us? Before we are couple, he does care about her. But when we become couple he came and interfere with our relationships. WHY? Is girl outside is not enough for you? You only want tackle only unavailable aweks? I also asked why when we are single, nobody cares but when we had someone special, they come and interfere. lancau......

Sometime, it is our fate.....

This morning i try to search my previous email. Because it's too many about 1052 email, not include junk and spam. So i need to clear up my oldest inbox. When i go trough all my oldest inbox, I fund this sarcastic email. Let read it again since i will delete it forever.
From her to me,
subject: huhu

i jus went out with my fren and u are sad with me ni baru sekali... if i kua byk kali wif my frens later.. and so u know i have more guy frens than my girls.. witnessing ur action tonite, i dun think u can handle it well enuf huhu... =(

this is a really thing that i need u to really understand fully deeply... u told me earlier u wud be ok with me goin out with my frens... either guy or girls.. when comes to real situation, u didnt act as what u said to me not long before

seriously... if u cannot accept this, the fact that i go out with my guy fren, i think we are better off being apart from each other... this is a serious thing...... and i dont want to face the same thing again for the second time

if u cannot tolerate with me now, then so with our future... u'll act the same thing i promised to myself, until im married to my husband, than only i stop seeing my frens esp the guys i believed that i have the freedom of seeing anyone that i want without u stopping me or arguing me.. (and u agreed with me during the fes few weeks of our relationship) coz i know.. fren is a fren... and i know what is the boundry of being frens whenever im with them...
i wont turn myself to my fren, not to another guy coz i already have u... but guys wud never understand me on this

reason why i tak nak kapel is bcoz i know the guy will kongkong my life as what he wants me to.. u said earlier, u are not the same as others........ and i accepted you coz u said u are different from other guys.... but NOT to my surprise, u are just the same as the other deswai i asked u to deeply think, DO U WANT ME? can u handle me coz i admit i am a burden to u... sumore im not v****n as u wanted... again, the second time of being the lowest point of my life...

u are just to good to be true.... im not the perfect girl for u.. i know myself really well in the first place, a very bad girl

ntah la... u gave me soo much hint that im not the right person for u i already gave up once on u before, when u knew im not a v***n anymore and now u raise up another big issue on me again and seriously i give up again.......

i surrender myself on defending or protecting our relationship again.... =( i jus cannot handle being guilty to do sumtin that im not suppose to get worried if u can not accept me as who i am, im willingly to let go off myself from u... it's good for both of us

don call and ask to go out to pujuk me... later end up dok tepi pantai lagi.. and waste your money on that

i really need space to be alone... cukup lah u did offline in front of my eyes twice las nite.. it really hurts me a lot
again... i cried my tears because of u

i dont want to meet you, i dont want to hear your voice, i dont want to see you online dont call me, dont msg me, dont even try to contact me... coz i wont it really hurts when i know u are reluctant to accept me as who i am... again  plus, ur main reason to hold up this rship is jus want to have a gefren in ur life without even care who is she

right at this moment,  with all my love toward you is fading away.. i give up and im letting u go away from my life

My Love.

then i replied:
to be honest...i want u to know.......sorry if i am wrong...but yesterday..i really2 dissapointed with u...because i promise to go out with u late nigth for drink together as usual and u say ok. 3times....then i wait until 12 am....but u are not in ur room..and u say u are going out with ur  fren(guy)......if u are in my side.....u tak rase kecewa ker bila ur lover leh kuar with other guy and left u behind........actually it is true i not jealous but when the time u realy2 need me, but i is not there....what are u feel.....i just  want u to think by ur self.....i am so sorry because i cant lie with my ups to u then....if u are really want me,need me ...u can come back to me.....i already can accept u....remember i dont left u behind.....but if u dont want ups to u then...... i know i am too weak, i don have anything...just want on u in my side, support me, help, temankan me.....that it what i want, not only have awek as what u think......mmg i tak marah when u keluar with ur guy fren, but i cannat lie with my hearth, i mmg rase kecewa, and rasenye every guy will dissapointed when his true love go out with other, even if that is is bestfren..........that i only need just u said "sayang, i am sorry" that it...tue jer just to cool down myself.....but u did anything else.......u are not wrong, but i am jus think in my up to u to choose.....either u want me or not......n want to let u know i love u because is not just ade awek. i choose u because i want someone fill my empty space, to give spirit to live, make me visible, take me ou from my darkness...then i already show u how seriusly i love u, i am worry when u go out with other guy, something bad thing can happen....tha why.. not jealous but worry...that mean i really2 love u my is not mean i kongkong u, but to protect u...but i know u will be not understand......thats why the first love cant be long forever,.....because we only think about ourself, not this time i want u decide urself......either u want me let u go or u come back to yours choice.........and thank you my dear because u give me a nice time to remember while only the short time.........and if have anything problem, dont hesistate to call me for help.....;) u are the one, the first and the last.......u will know if u are on my side....;) 

then she replied again:

i am really really trully deeply sorry about going out with my guy fren last nite

u are just too good for me.....

seriuosly i really dont like to dissapoint especially to the one that i love...
but sumhow, i make them feel dissapointed, that i'll loose to myself

and 1 more thing.... sumtin happend yesterday and i felt sad bout it actually..
that was why i just can went out borak2 with my fren lame2 jus to forget bout that

='( cudnt help myself to b sad and did sumtin way behind ur back...

sorry sayang

then the end..  let me tell you the real story happen that nite. Actually we are suppose had dinner together as usual. But what happen that nite is she going out with "her fren" (male actually) alone together and leave me behind. If you were in my side, what will you thinking? Well no need to think anymore because this happen 3 years ago and she already left me 2 years ago. And now i still love her, i don't know why i am to loyal to this love even you are being left alone. She left me 2 years ago with no sign, no argument, no fighting, just leave me like that. The last time she said to me "i will call you later". And i wait that call more than 2 years and still waiting even i know she will never call me back. It's like waiting the moon falling down to earth. Everyday i asked myself,"what so hard to left this my first love". WE never declare as couple, just fren. She never accepted me as her soul mate, just fren. So why i still waiting something is will not be happen. Yeah i agreed, i am really stupid about love. Since now i still waiting, still single. Why? Because i make stupid promise that she is the first, and the last. And i am the person who hold promise until dead. So the moral of this story is don't make stupid promise because it will eaten you alive...  tbc

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Speed Test!

My internet speed test.... below 0.5 mb/s, OMG...

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


TAHUKAH kamu, di dalam al-Quran terdapat sekltar 146 perkataan salarn , baik dalam bentuk kata kerja mahupun kata benda, antaranya salamun  'alaikum (6:54), fa sallimu (24:61) dan wa as-salamu (20:47).

MENURUT hadis Nabi s.a.w, dari Ibnu Majid, As-salam adalah salah satu nama daripada nama-nama Allah dan diperlntahkan untuk disebarluaskan agar orang yang menerimanya mendapat keselamatan dan kesejahteraan dari Zat aI-Salam (Yang Maha Sejahtera) Itu .

UCAPAN salam ini sebenarnya pertama kali diajarkan oleh Allah kepada Nabi Adam a.s. untuk disampaikan kepada para Malaikat. Salam itu berbunyi assalamualaikum, lalu para Malaikat menjawab; as-salamu 'alaika wa rahmat Allah (semoga Allah memberikan keselamatan, kesejahteraan dan rahmat-Nya kepadamu).

SEBUAH hadls yang di rlwayatkan oleh Abu Dawud dan At-tirmidzi menyebut bunyi salam terbahagi kepada tiga: pendek, sedang dan panjang .

SEBUTAN pendek berbunyi assalamualaikum , sedang assalamu 'alaikum wa rahmat Allah (semoga Allah rnemberlkan keselamatan, kesejahteraan, dan rahmat-Nya kepadamu), dan panjang as-salamu 'alaikum wa rahmat Allah wa barakatuh (semoga Allah memberikan keselarnatan dan melimpahkan rahmat
dan berkat -Nya kepadarnu).

HADIS juga menyebut ; semakln panjang sebutan alama, semakin banyak pula pahala yang akan diperolehi oleh si pengucap.

PARA ulama sependapat bahawa hukurn memberi salam adalah sunat mu 'akkad (sunat yang dituntut). Hal ini didasarkan kepada firman Allah dalam Surah al-An'am ayat 54 :

"Apabila orang·orang yang beriman kepada ayat·ayat Kami itu datang kepadamu, maka katakanlah salamun 'alaikum (mudah-mudahan Allah melimpahkan kesejahteraan atas kamu)..."

Meskipun hukum memberi salam itu sunat , tetapi menjawab salam adalah wajib. Firman Allah dalam Surah an-Nissa' ayat 86 bermaksud:

"Apabila kamu dlberl penghormatan dengan sesuatu penghormatan. maka balaslah penghormatan Itu dengan yang leblh balk daripadanya. atau balaslah penghormatan itu (dengan yang serupa). Sesungguhnya Allah selalu membuat perhitungan atas tiap-tiap sesuatu."

PENTlNGNYA memberi salam meskipun sunat dapat dilihat daripada satu peristiwa di mana Rasulullah s.a.w,menegur seorang sahabat bernama Kildah bin Hanbali. Kildah telah berkunjung ke rumah Rasulullah s.a.w. tanpa mengucapkan salam,lalu Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda: "Kembalilah, dan ucapkanlah salam lebih dahulu dan kemudlan tanyakan apa boleh masuk langsung ke dalam
rumah." - Attirmidzi

Adab memberi salam, dldasarkan kepada hadis, di simpulkan sebagai berikut:
i. Hendaklah orang yang lebih kecil (muda) memberi salam kepada orang yang lebih besar (tua).
ii . Orang yang berjalan terhadap orang yang duduk.
iii. Orang yang jumlahnya sedikit kepada orang yang jumlahnya banyak.
iv. Orang yang naik kenderaan kepada orang yang berjalan kaki.
v. Seorang sahaja deripada sekumpulan orang memberi salam kepeda sekelompok orang yang lain dan wa]ar kalau seorang sahaja pun daripada sekelompok orang itu yang menjawab.

OLEH kerana pertama kali salam Itu diajarkan oleh Allah kepada Nabl Adam, serta kemuliaan-kemuliaan lain yang begitu banyak, maka ucapan salam Itu hanya boleh dlucapkan kepada orang Islam. Haram hukumnya diucapkan kepada orang kafir terutama orang Yahudl dan Nasranl.

Sabda Rasulullah s.a.w.: ''janganlah kamu mulai memberi salam kepada orang-orang Yahudi dan Nasrani"

INI dapat dl buktikan juga semasa Rasulullah s.a.w. menulis surat kepada raja-raja negara tetangga untuk mengajak mereka menganut Islam.  Dalam pembukaan suratnya, baglnda menggunakan ayat: saiamun 'ala man ittaba'a al-huda (keselamatan semoga dilimpahkan kepada orang yang mengl kut petunjuk).

Bilakah saat yang paling balk memberi salam?

I. Ketika berlaku pertemuan.
II, Ketika memasukl dan menlnggalkan pertemuan.
III. Ketika hendak memasukl rumah.
lv . Ketika menziarahl kubur.
v. Oleh suaml ketlka hendak "mendatangi" isterinya.
vI. Ketika menziarahi rumah orang.

Firman Allah; "Hai orang-orang yang beriman, janganlah kamu memasuki rumah yang bukan rumahmu sebelum meminta izin dan memberl salam kepada penghuninya.....
An-Nuur: 27

viI. Ketika menziarahi orang saklt .

Monday, October 19, 2009

Giler Sombong nak mampus Microsoft!!

Last week i had receive info about Microsoft new Open project a.k.a WebsiteSpark. Refer to I tough that "spark" mean given startup or be ignite. So i interested read  about "Training & Support Receive dedicated support from Microsoft engineers and Network Partners around the world, including agencies, incubators, developers, and designers." from the main site. I also want to involve and join since i am also programmer and loyal to Microsoft product. Most my programming using ASP.Net or we can call it Microsoft Visual Studio, Microsoft Windows, everything about Microsoft. Why i really support this license company because i thought they are more concert about their customer. So i the agreement and register as join member. Maybe someday i will help other or community service with cheapest services charge designing their small company website. Unfortunately what i got is "

Hi Kasapsky,

WebsiteSpark is for companies doing web design and development business. From your description and website, your company does not qualify. Thanks for your interest.


Best Regards,

Peter H. S. Tam
Acting Lead
Developer & Platform Evangelism
Microsoft Malaysia
General : +603 2179 6838 | DID/FAX: +603 2179 6942 | Mobile : +6012 3775068
email : | live messenger : |FaceBook 

Yes, my companies doing web design and development business. It just beginning, than i need your support to improve it. Idiot! If i got advance website or tools i don't need your help IDIOT! Don't use work "websitespark" if you wanted on your requirement the fully advance website already. Being arrogant because your are big company. Go to hell. Known currently what i am thinking it's better i shift to open source project rather than this bullshit project, idiot mindset. I already got my on tools, IDIOT. We just want to share and experience with your project for your benefit, give your suggestion and information so later you can improve and  compete with open source project. But see what do you do to us like shit. So go to hell..... Now i approved that Microsoft Is "Suckass"......

Saturday, October 17, 2009

"Take a Break"

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Solat Musafir

Jamak ertinya menghimpun dua solat ke dalam satu solat. Solat yang boleh di jamakkan ialah solat Zohor dengan Asar dan Maghrib dan Isyak. Jamak terbahagi kepada 2 bahagian iaitu :

Jamak Takdim
Solat Zohor dijamakkan dengna Asar dalam waktu Zohor dan Solat Magrib dengan Isyak dalam waktu Magrib.

Syarat Jamak Takdim :

i. Hendaklah dimulakan solat pada waktu yang pertama seperti Zohor kemudiannya diikuti dengan Asar dan Maghrib kemudiannya Isyak
ii. Niat Jamak dalam solat yang pertama pada permulaan takbiratul ihram
iii. Berturut-turut (Muawwalat) antara solat yang pertama dengan solat yang kedua.

Jamak Takhir
Zolat Zohor dijamakkan dengan Asar dan dilakukan dalam Waktu Asar. Manakala solat Magrib dilakukan pada Waktu Isyak.

Syarat Jamak Takhir :

i. Hendaklah diniatkan di dalam hati pada waktu yang pertama yang ia akan menangguhkan solatnya hingga ke waktu yang kedua.
ii. Masih berada dalam musafir hingga selesai kedua-dua solat.


Qasar ertinya memendekkan solat yang empat rakaat kepada dua rakaat sahaja. Solat yang boleh dipendekkan ialah solat Zohor, Asar dan Isyak sahaja.

Syarat-syarat sah Solat Qasar ialah :

Musafirnya tidak bertujuan maksiat.
Perjalanannya melebihi 2 marhalah iaitu 60 batu / 96.6 km
Diniatkan qasar solat ketika takbiratul ihram
Tidak boleh mengikut imam yang sedang solat sempurna (Tamam)
Mengetahui solat qasar itu menjadi harus baginya
Mengetahui tempat yang hendak dituju, jika tiada tujuan atau matlamat tidak sah qasarnya
Tidak boleh qada qasar solat yang ditinggalkan semasa di tempat kediamannya tetapi solat yang ditinggalkan semasa dalam musafir boleh di qada'
Masih berada dalam musafir hingga selesai solatnya

Contoh niat bagi solat qasar adalah seperti berikut (Solat Zohor) :

Sahaja aku solat fardhu Zohor dua rakaat qasar kerana Allah taala.


Apabila seseorang itu bermusafir lebih dari dua marhalah maka ia harus melakukan solat qasar dan jama' sekali. Ertinya ia boleh menjama'kan di antara dua solat dan mengqasarkan sekali. Walau bagaimanapun, ia boleh melakukan di antara satu yang berikut :

Menjama'kan dua solat fardhu tanpa qasar

Menjama'kan dua solat fardhu dan qasar

Terdapat 2 kaedah yang boleh digunakan melalui cara ini :

Niat Jama' Taqdim dan Qasar :


Solat Zohor dan Asar.

Sengaja aku solat fardhu Zohor dua rakaat qasar serta di jama'kan dengan Asar kerana Allah Taala

Mengerjakannya dengan azan dan diiringi iqamat. Selepas memberi salam, maka iqamat sekali lagi tanpa menangguhkan (kecuali mengambil wuduk) dan berniat pula seperti berikut :

Sengaja aku solat fardhu Asar dua rakaat qasar kerana Allah Taala

ii. Solat Maghrib dan Isya'

Sengaja aku solat fardhu Magrib tiga rakaat qasar serta di jama'kan dengan Isya' kerana Allah Taala

Solat maghrib tidak boleh diqasarkan. Cara melaksanakan jamak taqdim maghrib - isya' sama dengna niat jama' taqdim zuhur-asar. setelah memberi salam kemudian bangun dan iqamat dan berniat seperti berikut :

Sengaja aku solat fardhu Isya' dua rakaat qasar kerana Allah Taala

Niat Jama' Takhir dan Qasar:

i. Solat Zohor dan Asar

Sengaja aku solat fardhu Zohor dua rakaat qasar serta di jama'kan dengan Asar kerana Allah Taala

Selepas memberi salam, maka iqamat sekali lagi dan berniat semula seperti berikut :

Sengaja aku solat fardhu Asar dua rakaat qasar kerana Allah Taala

ii. Solat Maghrib dan Isya'

Sahaja aku solat fardhu maghrib tiga rakaat dijama'kan dengan isya' tunai kerana Allah Taala.

Selepas memberi salam, maka iqamat sekali lagi dan berniat semula seperti berikut :

Sengaja aku solat fardhu Isya' dua rakaat qasar kerana Allah Taala

ihsan dari:

Mutiara Kata

Mutiara Kata: "Tiga perkara yang mengiringi mayat kekubur iaitu:- Harta, kekayaan dan amalan. Dua akan ditinggalkan  iaitu harta dan kekayaan manakala satu tinggal menemani mayat iaitu amalan"

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Benarkah Kata Orang....

Benarkah kata orang :
bila senang kawan kata "jom","mari","temankan aku","tgh buat ape","dah makan blum","tgk bola kat mamak jom"......

bila susah kawan kata "gi mampus","lu sapa","lancau","sori beb aku buzy","not answerd","tut...tut... no yg anada dial tidak aktif atau berada di luar kawasan kami...terima kasih... tut.......","...."........

Benarkah kata orang:
bila kacak dan cun "pewwitt","xmo keje dgn i ke?","duk mana","single lagi ke?","ada no?","geramnya tgk awak"...

bilak dah xkacak perut buncit "mamat digi","eeee xsenonoh","giler geli","duit xde? keter ade? kalo xde gie mampus"........

Benarkah kata orang:
bila keje besar "puyooo... ko keje mana? ade open tak?","beb keter baru ke beb?","jom clubbing jom","ade awek ushar ko bro".....

bila xde keje jadi pengangur "blaja tinggi2 tapi xkeje","pemalas.....","sori bro sini xde kosong, kitaorg xterima org2 xcun sebab xbest ajak beromen","ngabih beras dgn karen je","ape pandang2","kucik koyak seluar kecut ade hati nak ushar org, pi la lu mat","sakai mana pulak ni datang"........

Benarkah?.... benarkah.... mmg fitrah manusia munyukai benda yg baik-baik, dan cantik2 dan sempurna.....

"Bersabarlaa... dan bertawakalaaa,
pada dunia ini.......
sesuatu yang terjadi itu....
tentu ada hikmatnya.........." ntah sape nyanyi aku xingat

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Sheikh Mohammed al-Ghazali al-Saqqa

Sheikh Mohammed al-Ghazali al-Saqqa (1917-1996) (Arabicالشيخ محمد الغزالي أحمد السقا ‎), was an Islamic cleric and scholar whose writings "have influenced generations of Egyptians". "The author of 94 books, Sheik Ghazali attracted a broad following with works that sought to interpret Islam and its holy book, the Qur'an, in a modern light. He is widely credited with contributing to a revival of Islamic faith in Egypt over the last decade." Another source called him "one of the most revered sheiks in the Muslim world."
Al-Ghazali was born in 1917 in the small town of Itai al Baroud, southeast of the coastal port of Alexandria. He graduated from Al Azhar University in 1941. He was married and had seven children and was buried in MedinaSaudi Arabia.
Al-Ghazali was known in the West for testifying on behalf of the assassins of secularist author Farag Foda, telling the "Egyptian court that anyone who openly resisted the full imposition of Islamic law was an apostate who should be killed either by the government or by devout individuals. He also called on the Government to appoint a committee to measure the faith of the population and give wayward Egyptian Muslims time to repent. Those who did not should be killed, he said."
In the Muslim world, however, Al-Ghazali "was not closely identified with the militant cause". He "often appeared on state-run television and held a place in the pulpit of one of Cairo's largest mosques," and in 1989 wrote a book "severely" criticizing what he believed to be the "literalismanti-rationalism, and anti-interpretive approach to Islamic texts" of Ahl al-Hadith, (a term thought to be a euphemism for Wahhabis). The book prompted "several major conferences ... in Egypt and Saudi Arabia" criticizing the book, long articles in response in the Saudi-owned London-based newspaper Asharq Al-Awsat, and assorted writings of others condemning al-Ghazali and questioning "his motives and competence."
After Egyptian Islamic Jihad attempted to kill Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak during a visit to Ethiopia June 1995, "Sheik Ghazali was among the prominent Islamic clerics who traveled to the presidential palace to congratulate Mr. Mubarak on his safe return."
The following is a sample of his writings:
"I did not like the way she was dressed when she entered my office. However, the look in her eyes revealed sadness and bewilderment that called for compassion and patience. She sat down and started sharing her concerns hoping to find answers with me. I listened to her long enough. I learned that she was an Arab girl who received her education in France where she was raised. It was also clear that she barely knew Islam. I started explaining basic facts, dispelling suspicions, answering questions and refuting orientalists’ lies about Islam. I also did not forget to allude to today’s civilization and how it considers women as cheap flesh. At the end of my talk, the girl asked for a future appointment and excused herself. Soon after, a young man – on whom qualities of Outward Islamism were apparent – came storming into my office and said violently: “How come such wicked person was admitted here?” “The job of a physician is to accept. He doesn’t typically see healthy people, does he?” I replied. “Of course, you advised her to wear Hijab!” he added. I said to him “The issue is much bigger than that. There is the foundation that has to be laid. There is the Belief in Allah and the Hereafter. There is the hearing and the obeying of what was revealed in the Qur’an and the Sunnah, in addition to the pillars of worship and manners; the pillars that Islam cannot exist without …”. He interrupted me saying, “All of this does not mean we don’t order her to wear Hijab”. “I wouldn’t like it if she came in a nun’s clothes while her heart is void of Allah. I taught her the basis that will help her to choose, on her own free will, to wear more decent clothes,” I calmly replied. He tried to interrupt me again so I said firmly “I can’t drag Islam by its tail as you do. I lay the foundation and then start building and I usually achieve what I want with wisdom”. Two weeks later, the girl came back. She was wearing much more decent clothes with a scarf over her head. She resumed her questions and I resumed my teaching. Then I asked “Why don’t you go to the nearest mosque to your home?” I said that but immediately I felt remorse. I remembered that mosques are closed in the face of Muslim women. The girl answered that she hated the People of Religion and that she did not like to listen to them. “Why?” I asked “They are hard-hearted, and they treat us with contempt and scorn”, came her swift reply. I don’t know why I remembered Hind (Abu-Sufyan’s wife). She was the one who chewed Hamza’s liver and fought Islam vigorously until the 8th year of Hijrah. She did not really know the Prophet. However, when she knew him and saw his lenient manners, she told him “I never wished someone on the face of this earth to be abased more than you and your family. Now, I do not wish to see someone on the face of this earth more honored than you and your family”. The Prophet’s kindness and sympathy changed the hearts of the people around him. Now, would the Du`ah today learn from their Prophet? Would they learn to draw together instead of driving away, and to bring good tidings rather than to say things that repels people away from them and from Islam?"
p/s: Profile taken from Wikipedia. The source may be wrong and inaccurate. i will try to do research and do more studies about our scholar as for contributing for Islam and our people.

Books Review

"Akal yang sihat itu adalah merupakan satu-satunya perantara untuk memahami wahyu dan juga alam semesta".
Buku ini memang cukup menaraik untuk dibaca dan memahami kepada pelbagai persoalan dalam pemikiran islam, ilmuan pengetahuan, dan peradaban umat manusia dan untuk membangun kembali sebuah model peradaban yang islamik. Mengandungi 10 Bab yang menarik berserta hadis dan petikan Al-quran untuk rujukan dan renungan. Setebal 257 halaman muka surat dengan hanya harga RM 20.90 sahaja.

Buku ini menumpukan perhatian terhadap pelbagai perbahasan sekitar ilmu-ilmu wahyu Islam, method-method pengajaranya dan perlunya sikap kritis dalam usaha menyusun kembali program2 dan method pengajaranya serta pembaikan pelbagai aspek praktikal pengajaran yang berkaitan denganya. hal ini dimaksudkan agar ilmu-ilmu tersebut benar2 dapat melaksanakan peranan yg semestinya dlm membangun sebuah model peradaban yg Islamik dan Islamisasi ilmu2 kemanusiaan dan kemasyarakatan. Sesuai dibaca bagi mereka yg cintakan kebenaran dan kewujudan Allah s.w.t.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Dulu dan Sekarang.............

Untuk renungan masa hadapan. Renung-renungkanla....... untuk mengisi masa lapang.

susu dutchlady 2L Rm2, susu pekat manis F&N Rm 1.10, gula 1kg Rm1.00, Milo 5kg Rm 10.50. Telor 1 papan(30 biji) Rm 4.50

susu dutchlady 2L Rm4.80, susu pekat manis F&N Rm 2.70, gula 1kg Rm2.00, Milo 5kg Rm 22.50. Telor 1 papan(30 biji) Rm 8.50
reason: sebab harga minyak dunia naik. (ape lancau negara ade minyak sendiri. kalo minyak dunia naik, minyak ko pun naik jugak bodo. Minyak ko lagi mahal drp minyak dunia ligth crude oil less plumbum. Ko dah ade offshore sendiri, terminal crude oil sendiri, refinery sendiri, boleh proses minyak sendiri ape lancau jadikan alasan sebab minyak dunia naik)

"Warung Makan"
Nasi putih + telo goreng + ayam goreng + kuar = Rm 2.50

Nasi putih + telo goreng + ayam goreng + kuar = Rm 5.50
reason: kakitangan gov gaji besar, so diorg mampu.(ape lancau. patutla perut korg buncit sebab makan duit rakyat)

1 liter = 1.20. Kalo 20 liter = Rm 24

1 liter = 1.80. Kalo 20 liter = Rm 36
reason : kerajaan menangung subsidi berbilion-bilion.(ape lancau rakyat menangung beban kerajaan joli duit rakyat berterilion-lion xde pulak cakap)

"Anak Dara"
Biler nak keluar rumah minta izin bapak. Biler tetamu datang rumah, semua lari kedapur buat air.

Biler nak keluar wat muka slumber je depan bapak. Biler tetamu datang rumah, sibuk layan sambil tunjuk tits yg besaq.
reason: sekarang kan dah maju. (lancau ape, buget gedik tu mantap la?)

"Anak Teruna"
Biler tunggu anak dara nak ajak keluar, turun kereta dulu mintak izin dgn bapak anak dara.

Biler tunggu anak dara nak ajak keluar, tunggu dlm kete je wat muke seposen.
reason: sekarang kan dah advance. (lancau ape, telo xarak ka?)

Masa kecik-kecik cari Mak. kecik-kecik cari mak. Mak xde menangis. Asyik ikut mak je berjalan.

Bila dah besar lupa mak. Jumpa bini kaya tinggal mak. Lupakan mak. Mak ade xsuke. Bile mak xde suke.
reason: Bini kaya dan cantik syok play-play, mak dah tua kerepot. (ape lancau esok ko dah tua anak ko buat macam tu, baru ko nak menyesal)

"Kawan Karib a.k.a Best Friend"
Dulu......masa belajar sama2
Masa lapar. "bro temankan aku makan bro"... "ok jom".
Masa nak tido. "Bro temankan aku beli rokok bro"... "aku ade rokok".
Masa nak kluar shoping. "Bro, temankan aku kluar bro"...."Jom naik moto aku".
Mana 1st time nak gi dating. "Bro, temankan aku bro, malula sorang2".... "Ok no problem".
Masa susah. "bro, aku tengah sempit ni bro"...."ko nak berape?"

Sekarang....... masing2 dah hebat dgn kerjaya
Nak ajak member kluar makan. "Bro makan jom"...."Lu xde bini ke nak ajak makan?"
Nak jumpe membe yg 10 thn xjumpe. "Bro, lu kat mana"...."Sori la aku busy nie, keje banyak letih la. Sorry bro"
Nak ajak member kluar lepak. "Bro, weeken nie ape bikin"..."Sori la bro, gua buzy dgn family. ajak org lain k"
Nak mintak member tolong carikan keje. "Bro, tempat lu ade open?"..."Sorila company aku tgh freeze employment. lagipun dah penuh. Cari tempat lain la. tgh sibuk ni lain kali la call. Bye.."(xsampai 10 sec call)
Nak mintak tolong emergency sebab accident. "Bro, tolong bro. Aku accident kat jalan ampang"....."......Nombor yang anda dial tidak dapat dihubungi buat sementara waktu, terima kasih. the number has you dial, is not in services. thank you......tut....tut...tut.."