
Current time in Kuala Lumpur -
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Thursday, September 19, 2013

The New IOS 7

The mobile OS from a whole new perspective

Just updated to new ios 7. More simple and fast interface.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

New lesson if your website been hacked!

Today, it's seem like my command center has been attacked. With internet line port problem, blackout. Plus my website domain name has been hacked. It's might be or not involved with recently malaysian .my attacker. But who knows the important thing when your website been hacked or hijacked?

the 1st thing i should do is contacting my domain host for help. It's better asked their help rather solve yourself. Why? When you contact the team, they can investigate and alert for next attack. Or other their client for be alert. It's show that not only you life in this planet.

2nd step can refer here. Google have prepare this for help hacked victim.

The understanding step can be found here:

3rd step is for my opinion, never save or store your client or customer data on your website. Even encrypted data is not save when hacker have your administrator credential. So the alternative way is store your client important data on other way. Use other services which not involved direct with your main site. So when your website has been hacked, your customer and client data is still save. Always remember this word " Prevent is better than cure". New hacker will keep growth. And they will become smart too. So don't underestimated them. What they want is your money. The super secure protector website or services  such application, antivirus, websecured never existed. Only super secure way is existed. That is your own way to survive. It's mean save something important in static place is not safe anymore. To defeat your enemy, you must know how and who your enemy do and don't. Stay tune. i will shared other stuff in next post.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

New easy way to learn coding

To learn more can visit here :

After watching, try Scratch at
Educators: Check out ScratchEd at

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

New Launch

Bring Your Business Online!

Visit us at for more info.

Monday, May 27, 2013

2nd Commercial Video. Enjoy!

Dah macam intro anime orang komen. Haha.
Credits to

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Our 1st Official Commercial Video. Enjoy!

Credits to animoto for template

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Now You Can Use Maybank2u Pay more secure & easy today!

Got a blogshop or small online business? Introducing Maybank2u Pay. 
It lets you manage your transactions in detail, easily. All your customers have to do is just - click, pay and confirm! Now online business is a breeze with Maybank2u Pay.

Sign up for Maybank2u Pay today. Here's how:
1. Log on to your Maybank2u account.
2. Click on Maybank2u Pay and apply.


#maybank #pay #online

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Saturday morning

Itune apps reach nearly reach 50 billion downloads. 1st time test edit blogs guna ipad.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

8 orang pelanggan yang perlu dielakan

Pelanggan-pelanggan ini biasanya menjengkelkan dan mereka lebih mengganggu daripada bernilai.

Kebanyakan masa, terdapat pelanggan (dan bakal pelanggan) yang cukup besar. Walaubagaimanapun, terdapat lapan jenis pelanggan yang biasanya mereka ini lebih mengganggu daripada bernilai. Di sini ada beberapa nasihat untuk cara menghadapi mereka ini.

1. The Lookee-Loo (suka melihat-lihat)

Mereka adalah "yang berkepentingan" dalam tawaran syarikat anda tetapi tidak mempunyai niat untuk membeli daripada anda atau orang lain.

Tindakan: Dalam mesyuarat awal, kenal pasti keputusan kewangan prospek untuk TIDAK membeli dahulu. Jika bilangan yang kecil atau sedikit, bersikap sopan dan bergerak ke tempat lain.

2. The Surpriser(Pengejut)

Mereka seolah-olah berunding dengan niat baik, tetapi hanya selepas anda telah membuat satu perjanjian mereka menuntut diskaun yang besar "atau perjanjian itu muktamad."

Tindakan: Hanya perlu mengatakan tidak. Pelanggan akan menghormati anda kerana anda tegas. Jika perjanjian itu hilang, ia tidak pernah benar pada asalnya.

3. The Freeloaded (Tukang bonceng)

Mereka menuntut anda menulis cadangan yang terperinci, kemudian gunakan cadangan anda untuk mendapatkan konsesi daripada vendor semasa mereka.

Tindakan: Jangan sekali-kali menulis cadangan substantif tanpa mengeluarkan janji yang anda sendiri boleh mengemukakan penemuan anda ke atas pembuat keputusan.

4. The Brick Wall (Tembok Bata)

Tidak kira berapa banyak anda cuba, mereka tidak akan menyediakan anda dengan maklumat yang anda perlukan untuk mengetahui sama ada atau tidak anda boleh membantu mereka.(memantul)

Tindakan: Campakkanlah bola kembali ke gelanggan mereka dengan bertanya: "Jadi, bagaimana sebenarnya saya boleh membantu anda" Jika mereka tidak mempunyai jawapan, mengangkat bahu dan bergerak ke tempat lain.

5. The Enabler (Pemboleh)

Mereka bertolak ansur dengan tingkah laku yang tidak beretika daripada pesaing-pesaing anda dan mengharapkan anda dan firma anda untuk menjadi sama "fleksibel".

Tindakan: Jangan sekali-kali melakukan perniagaan dengan mana-mana syarikat atau orang yang meminta anda untuk melakukan sesuatu yang tidak beretika atau menyalahi undang-undang.

6. The Invisible Man( Orang halimunan)

Mereka mengesahkan temujanji untuk bertemu dengan anda tetapi "tidak serius pada dunia perniagaan penting" apabila mesyuarat itu sepatutnya berlaku.(mungkir janji)

Tindakan: Jika ia berlaku sekali, tiada masalah besar. Dua kali, masih tiada masalah besar. Sekali lagi, menganggap ia adalah sengaja dan bergerak ke tempat lain.

7. The Poseur (Menunjuk2 atau berlagak)

Mereka mendakwa mempunyai kuasa penuh untuk membeli, tetapi sebenarnya memainkan peranan kecil (jika ada) dalam proses membuat keputusan.

Tindakan: Pastikan orang yang terlibat seperti ini meningkatkan dalam senarai kenalan anda di tapak pelanggan.

8. The Job Seeker (Pencari Kerja)

Mereka berpura-pura bahawa syarikat mereka di pasaran untuk menawarkan anda tetapi sebenarnya cuba untuk membina hubungan kerja memburu dalam industri anda.

Tindakan: Memberi nasihat yang terbaik untuk pencari kerja kemudian menentukan siapa yang lain (jika sesiapa), anda perlu kenalpasti kepada siapa anda bercakap.

source: 8 Customers You Should Avoid from

Thursday, May 2, 2013

5 Prinsip Asas Jualan

1. Jualan adalah 60 peratus mendengar dan 40 peratus bercakap.

Apabila anda mempunyai perbualan dengan pelanggan, matlamat utama anda sentiasa memikirkan bagaimana (dan sama ada) anda boleh membantu pelanggan tersebut. Ini pasti mustahil apabila mulut anda sentiasa terbuka.

2. Mesej jualan terdiri daripada dua ayat.

Seperti ini:
  1. Mengapa pelanggan anda mencari anda?
  2. Apa yang anda lakukan lebih baik daripada orang lain. Jika anda tidak boleh mendapatkan mesej jualan anda untuk kedua-dua ayat yang pendek ini, ianya bermaksud anda tidak menjual, anda hanya cakap-cakap kosong.
3. Pelanggan mengambil berat tentang perniagaan mereka, bukan tentang anda.

Setiap perbualan jualan harus mengambil tempat dari perspektif pelanggan dan bukannya dari perspektif anda. Ia tidak pernah "Produk saya adalah bagus." Ia sentiasa "di sini adalah bagaimana saya boleh membantu."

4. Reputasi anda sentiasa mendahului anda.

Dalam dunia teknologi maklumat hari ini, anda boleh mengandaikan bahawa sesiapa sahaja yang mungkin boleh membeli apa-apa daripada anda lebih tahu dimana anda berada. Malah jika anda menggunakan biru, sejarah hidup anda hanya carian Google dari sini.

5. Jualan adalah tentang jalinan hubungan.

Berbeza dengan yang kelulusan sekitar sebagai "kebijaksanaan jualan," pelanggan hanya akan membeli daripada anda jika mereka mempercayai anda, menghormati anda, dan juga seperti anda. Hanya yang lain adalah perbandingan.


Saturday, April 27, 2013

Bagaimana untuk meningkatkan kredibiliti anda

Being a know-it-all is a great way to make people question your common sense.

But here's the thing: people dislike a know-it-all. They can often sense, at a gut level, when they're being BSed. Even if they're taken in, when they find out (as usually happens) that they've been BSed, they never trust the BSer again. Dalam BM maksudnya orang tidak suka kepada orang yang tahu semua.(Tidak tahu tapi buat-buat tahu). Mereka sering boleh rasa, pada tahap berhati perut, apabila mereka sedang BSed(taiklembu). Walaupun mereka sedang menerimanya, apabila mereka mengetahui (seperti yang biasanya berlaku) bahawa mereka telah BSed, mereka tidak akan mempercayai BSer lagi. Pengajaran: Lebih baik kita mengakui sesuatu yang kita tidak tahu daripada berlagak sombong kita tahu kesemuanya. Jadilah orang yang bijak. Tidak rugi mengakui kelemahan diri kita kerana orang lagi suka bila kita bersikap lebih jujur dan iklas. Sekian 

source : 3 Words That Create Instant Credibility

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Pagi Selasa

picture is worth a thousand words

This is my sample wear shirt with almost 3-4 times a week. Wash careless with washing machine and wear regularly for indoor and outdoor activities. Now it's already 1 year since i design it on May 2012 for testing product. Washed and wear almost more than 100 times and still in good conditioned and still wear it right now.
Picture taken using Samsung S2 8mp

Picture taken on April 24, 2013

Still smooth even without iron

Good quality and proved

Gildan is the best (dijamin tidak tertanggal atau kembang)

This is the earlier taken on May 2012 for sample
So, this was proved that we only provide premium quality t-shirt. We also offer return warranty because we trusted our product. And the best thing is we also support earth day. Means no liquid. 100% material and work without chemical liquid like dye or color emulsion. No any chemical liquids are used since production of this t-shirt. Jadi sesiapa berminat boleh tempah. Nak free pun boleh(tapi kena tolong promote la....cheesecake)
#baju #earthday2013 #quality #gildan #year #liquid 


Monday, April 22, 2013

Iklan Sponsor

Untuk sesiapa yang inginkan develop website yang terbaik. Nilai RM999 tapi percuma. Boleh rujuk iklan dibawah ini. Rebate RM1000 daripada goverment untuk membantu usahawan kecil membina website mereka sendiri. Jangan lepaskan peluang keemasan ini. Hanya perlu ssm, account bank dan broadband. Syarat-syarat lengkap boleh rujuk kepada GMBO 2.0 atau iklan dibawah ini. Disediakan oleh exabytes.

OnlineLahTauke! Bring Your Business Online!

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Pesanan Pagi Sabtu

Friday, April 19, 2013

Perfection is a Low Standard

Perfectionists always fail but there is a better way.

A Higher Standard

What's a higher standard than perfect? Actually there are two: "good enough," and "outstanding."
There are many elements of life and work where "good enough" is, well..., good enough to get the job done.
Improving things that are "good enough" produces diminishing returns. For example, why have a spotlessly clean desk when you're not making the important calls?
There are other elements of life and work where you want to be "outstanding"--which means standing above the crowd.
The only way to be "outstanding" is to work on what's essential, not to achieve perfection, but to achieve your goals.


Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Tuesday Mumbling

"Cheap is for gift, expensive  affordable for retails"-

New term i discover this morning. Something goods for marketing purpose. Yeah it's true. If you want something for gift, mean to somebody else. You will choose cheapest prize. Doesn't matter about quality. Cause they don't deserved expensive gift. Or sometimes they never appreciate that gift.( if you give to someone who hated you..haha). But you deserve affordable things. Mean for yourself, quality does matter. That's why this term came to my mind this morning. Yeah. You want to sell something but using reverse psychology. People sometimes hard to buy expensive thing. But they had a choice to decide. Well it worth if you buy expensive thing which bring goods for you. mm that's all in my mind. So just remember "simplicity always wins".

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Simplicity Always WIn

Sometimes it's hard to accept it. But it's proved that simplicity always win. Haha. 1 hit k.o. Nice.

Why simplicity product always win?

We humans love complicated things.The more crap we hang off of a product, the better we think it is. Right?

The answer is Wrong.

Simplicity wins. Every time. This is simple discussion i picked up from others articles.

As an entrepreneur, I get to hang out with other entrepreneurs (and we act all clubby and hip and cool like it’s some secret club – but it really is).  In those circles I get to see and hear a gajillion awesome ideas and pitches.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Standard banner size

NameWidth / pxHeight / pxAspect ratio
Rectangles and Pop-Ups
Medium Rectangle3002501.2
Square Pop-Up2502501
Vertical Rectangle2404001.67
Large Rectangle3362801.2
3:1 Rectangle3001003
Banners and Buttons
Full banner468607.8
Half banner234603.9
Micro bar88312.84
Button 1120901.33
Button 2120602
Vertical banner1202402
Square button1251251
Wide skyscraper1606003.75
Half page ad3006002
Sizes in bold are part of the IAB's Universal Ad Package.



Standard Web Banners

SizeStyleGif WeightFlash Weight
468 x 60Full Banner20 KB30 KB
728 x 90Leaderboard25 KB35 KB
336 x 280Square25 KB35 KB
300 x 250Square25 KB35 KB
250 x 250Square25 KB35 KB
160 x 600Skyscraper20 KB30 KB
120 x 600Skyscraper20 KB30 KB
120 x 240Small Skyscraper20 KB30 KB
240 x 400Fat Skyscraper25 KB35 KB
234 x 60Half Banner15 KB20 KB
180 x 150Rectangle15 KB20 KB
125 x 125Square Button15 KB20 KB
120 x 90Button10 KB20 KB
120 x 60Button10 KB20 KB
88 x 31Button10 KB10 KB

Common, But Not Standard Banner Sizes

SizeStyleGif WeightFlash WeightExample
120 x 30Button10 KB10 KB
230 x 33Small Banner15 KB15 KB
728 x 210Large Leaderboard30 KB40 KB
720 x 300Large Leaderboard25 KB35 KB
500 x 350Pop-up30 KB40 KB
550 x 480Pop-up30 KB40 KB
300 x 600Half Page Banner35 KB45 KB
94 x 15Blog Button10 KB10 KB
measurements are in pixels.
Check with the website where you plan to place the banner ad for their specifications; their specfications may be different. Designers Toolbox is not responsible for errors.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Website Development

Cipta atau mereka website?

Ramai yang berangapan bahawa website yang canggih dan mahal boleh menarik ramai pelawat. Sebenarnya tidak! Website yang cantik dan canggih tidak memberi jaminan pelawat baru muncul setiap hari. Hanya website yang simple tapi consistent sahaja yang dapat menarik ramai pelawat dan mencapai sasaran kepada pelanggan. Kos untuk menyediakan sebuah website samada untuk perniagaan tidak memerlukan modal yang mahal. Kebanyakan orang lupa kos yang tinggi sebenarnya pada kos maintenance, penjagaan seperti webhosting fee, domain name, security and contain management systems(CMS). Disini ingin saya kongsikan beberapa tips penting yang perlu diketahui sebelum menyediakan sebuah website samada untuk perniagaan anda, syarikat atau personal.

Tips persediaan sebelum mereka website:

Monday, April 1, 2013

April Fool

Best april fool 2013

Google NoseBETA

What’s that smell?(The Rock.....)

  • Google NoseBETA leverages new and existing technologies to offer the sharpest olfactory experience available:
  • Street Sense vehicles have inhaled and indexed millions of atmospheric miles.
  • Android Ambient Odor Detection collects smells via the world's most sensible mobile operating system.
  • SMELLCD™ 1.8+ high-resolution compatible for precise and controlled odors.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Annual Report

This is my first annual report. Macam tak percaya sekejap je dah setahun. Just for sharing something new that i learn about marketing strategy.
Organic Vs Paid advertising
So this data is taken from my facebook page. For website tunngu report dari google analytic baru boleh discuss. So in the 1st graph, Totally show that organic much more grow than viral. The paid is zero because i stop paying. All marketing doing using free ads method. So it prove that if you have knowledge, you can boost your reach market with free cost. As long as you want to learn and no give up.

What is organic search?

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Sunday Night

Selamat malam. Malam ni nak share sikit pasal info webhosting. Sebab baru tadi terima scam email. Disebabkan dah terkena sekali dengan webhosting scammer. So sekarang kena berhati-hati. Kadang-kadang terasa nak tergelak juga. Ini antara contoh.

Sir / Madam,
Would you like to have a website which would bring you more business and also make you more notable over the web.Sending out emails using your own domain name such as ,wouldn't that be a convincing factor to your clients.Showing your present and future customers a sense of establishment in your business.You could easily provide support to your customers on line with a support or after sales service.All this and more by owning a website for your biz.
Why it's scam?

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Earth Hour Tonight

Dont forget tonigth earth hour 23 March, 8:30 p.m
"You protect the earth, we will protect you"

Friday, March 22, 2013


Donald Trump
"Walaupun anda mempunyai 1 trillion duit sekalipun di dunia ini, anda tetap tidak akan dapat menebus balik usia muda anda. Hanya syurga sahaja yg dapat memberikan ganjaran usia muda anda untuk kekal selama-lamanya di sana. Jadilah manusia yang sentiasa bertaqwa, sesunggunya orang-orang yang bertaqwa sahaja akan berjaya di dunia dan akhirat." - [inspirasi lepas tengok citer killer elite(true story) Walaupun sekaya-kaya syed tu, dia tetap akan tua dan mati kena tikam.] -

p/s: Gambar ini hanya hiasa sahaja semata-mata. hehe

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Winds had change

Nowadays, everything seems upgrading so fast. There is lot many change seen apple introduce smartphone iphone and tablet ipad. Everything now fast and furious. All chasing multi billion company such as Google, apple, microsoft, facebook, tumblr, pinterest, linked, dropbox, whatsapp, samsung and etc. They offered a lot space of cloud data storage like skydrive, instagram for picture, pexelview, twitter deck and much more. Internet nowadays become more faster and so many benefit instead the whole world fighting about free internet.
Bill Gates

Mark Zuckerberg

The bad things now is previous services like yahoo public chat, msn messenger, microsoft mesh, google buzz become out of services. Now no more public chat, so yahoo become useless now. Since my friend on ym all aready buried offline, so it no use anymore for chating. Only used for email. Same as msn messenger. Sometimes it's hard for webmaster to configure instant chat on their website instead free service, now everything need to pay. No more free service. Even google apps and GMBO also not free anymore. But previous sign up still lucky cause still continue get free services

Yahoo Blog
Google engine also smart nowadays. They no more use meta data for SEO like before. They use smart API for searching and improve search engine. So that's why i am suddenly active updated everything online full with content for online marketing purpose. For more info click here
Also the new one i have heard is about tesco. Now tesco also offer online shopping.for KL resident. Instead of Zalora, Zara offered clothing online product and lazada offered electronic product, now we can buy groceries product online. Soon there a lot many more online store appeared since rural area also got internet coverage.(kendian hantu pun leh dapat free wifi... muahahaha)  

That's all for today.

p/s: I was inspired by both of them because they never give up to change our new live.

. .

Monday, March 18, 2013

Monday Morning

Yesterday, we have managed some event about my sister engagement. So there are many relative family comes by included from other side. Our sister going-in-law family. (google translator). Then have a few my relative family  asking what i am currently doing right now. So i just tell them i am doing my small business. So later they asked to me "Business ok?". I answered calmly, "bolehlah, sikit-sikit". Sometimes it's difficult to tell them because they don't know nothing and actually they don't want to know either about my business. After that they just pass and stop asking. Maybe don't have another thing to say or no topic to discuss. I know most of them are salary man(makan gaji), so they dint interested about business. In the bottom of my heart, i want to tell them something. Something i think and figured out but i know it useless to tell somebody who don't interested and understand about business. They only interested about talking bad about other people, dirty politics, easy money a.k.a "mengumpat". And the most topic yesterday they care's about "Lahad Datu Invasion story".  

So i just want to tell for somebody if they want to know why i choose doing hard business(long term)? For me, selling thing and created company was two different thing. Creating small company it's not easy as selling an item. Because i realized even you got high end product, or goods product, it's got time capsule. Mean that item doesn't can survive long. Maybe this time people want it, but in future there will come another one new to compete or destroy your current product. So it's will not last long. That is what we call in business "collapse of distinction". So i figure out, the main reason doing business is not about product, it's all about trust and care. That what my point right now to keep survive, mean for future business. Everything i am doing is not for now, it's for future.  I know there a lot people making funny about me. They underestimated.(pandang rendah) about my effort. They only realized that open physical shop is more benefit than online business. But they don't know nothing. I am doing an online business because it's good method to create the name, trust and brand for my own company. That's it my mission and vision. You can't sell same product forever. But if you can manage brand and trust, you can survive in business for the long time. So this is my other reason why i can't give up to grow my own company. By hook or by crook i will keep trying an error and continue learning because someone had said "When you stop learning, you will learn to fail".

So for other like me, business is not only about selling product. Business is about to build and improve yourself from failure. I also not to do business just only for myself, i created it for my future kids (not married yet) and next generation. That's my strong motivation to keep grow my own business. 

Sunday, March 17, 2013

5 things learning from 14 year old little girl

This is most basic things to learn about your own business. Interesting ideas from this article write from
What a 14-Year-Old Can Teach You About Management
Margaret Heffernan is an entrepreneur and author. She has been chief executive of InfoMation Corporation, ZineZone Corporation, and iCAST Corporation. In 2011, she published her third book, Willful Blindness. @M_Heffernan

This is 5 things good for learning about your own business
1. People need to know what you offer.
2. It's more fun being busy.
3. Colleagues make or break the experience.
4. It's more fun doing a great job.
5. Money you earn is different from the money you're given.

The details can be read here

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Thursday Morning

Something interesting reading about this article. No wonder now the are still giants inside Russian Mother land. Young entrepreneur must keep going even there are no hope. We do business is not just to get large money, we do business for survived. When this era comes where there is not job, no wall income (atm), only got last choice. Make you own company. Yeah we want to survive. We also want live like others. Good articles to inspire young entrepreneur.

Global Chairman of the Entrepreneurs’ Organization Kevin Langley, Russia’s Sergey Vykhodtsev, Mikhail Naumov and Scottish entrepreneur Fraser Doherty

Monday, March 4, 2013

Salam Petang Isnin

Lama rasanya tidak meng+update blog ni. Serabut juga kadang-kadang sebab nak kena maintain semua sorang2. Al maklumla all need to done by yourself. Tiada duit nak hired kerani lagi. hehe. Sekarang ni masih lagi serabut sebab banyak benda nak kena update, website, facebook page, blog, email, system, tumblr, twitter. Tidak boleh nak buat serentak pulak semuanya. Dan perlu di susun rapi hendaknya. Belum masuk lagi hal production, design, marketing, sales dan customer relationship. Poning juga den sorang2. mau tak terduduk dibuatnya melayan karenah customer yg pelik2 belaka. Dah tulis harga terang-terang, detail besar2 pun xreti nak baca. Masih lagi tanya soalan yang sama. Pelik kan? Nak buat camana, memang sikap orang melayu kut suka tanya dulu soalan sebelum baca. Apa-apa pun teruskan usaha. Pasti akan sampai akhirnya. InsyaAllah.

Baju design syok sendiri... ahaks
By the way, i got little tips for today.
"Orang yang berjaya, mereka buat sesuatu sehingga habis......"

Baru belajar sikit2 create icon sendiri....