Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Quotes of the day
"If you fail to plan, you plan to fail"
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Finding Smells That Repel
Misguided Mosquitoes
Significant Repellency
Other Research
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Sharing Creative Masterpiece from Nuffnangers
It’s a common fact that we at Nuffnang care deeply for our bloggers. It is evident from the amount of movies, parties and contests that we have every now and then for our blogging community. On top of that we always keep a lookout to know what our bloggers are up to.
Well, that includes creative masterpiece done by our bloggers for contests especially. Today, we’d like to share with you some entries for the DiGi Pimp My Broadband Contest which we think are really creative and interesting.
The pictures submitted for the contest weren’t too bad either. Zheng Dong was creative as usual with his eggs;
Friday, September 25, 2009
Come and Join us!
- Ask a question and find out what your peers have to say about it.
- Share a thought and see who thinks like you and who doesn’t.
- Share your opinions at Community Voices and we’ll make it heard by the brands and businesses.
- Follow us on Twitter.
- Subscribe to our RSS feed and get updated via RSS reader or by Email.
- Check out the YouthSays blog for more exciting updates and announcements in the YouthSays community.
Have your friends voiced out to make a difference? We will give you cash rewards of RM0.20 for every friend who activates their account with your invite link : Click Here <----------------Senang sahaja. Cuma click link diatas, register then answer a few survey. Dapat dah duit raya.
Mari-mari. Join. Dapat duit raya free......

Sweet memory during childhood
When first time seeing this picture from others website, it flashback my sweet child memory. Maybe that time i still dont know what it is t*** accually, but feel i like it. Haha. Yes, i am naughty boy. I like beauty big sister boing....boing. (what the pervert). Maybe that time i am small kids with white skin, and my child friend like calling me "anak mat salleh", so this is the reason why this "kakak2" like to hug and carry me when they meet me at playground. I like acting unintentional touch their t***, but they dont care about it. hehe askfa87js7fuasyfyuisif

p/s:look this kid eye's looking at....

Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Quotes of the day
Effective Copywriting! Part III
Never risk losing the attention of your audience by providing too much detail in your copy. Effective copywriting tells your audience what they need to know to act and make a purchase or how to contact you for more information. Extraneous details clutter the minds of your audience, which increases the possibility of them forgetting the most important aspects of your advertisement or marketing program.
Unless you’re advertising a prescription drug, highly technical equipment, or an exceedingly regulated or complicated product, the best rule to follow is K.I.S.S. (Keep It Simple, Stupid). You’re spending a substantial amount of your advertising budget on placing each ad. With each ad, you only receive a small amount of space to get your message across to your audience. Wisely use that pricey real estate to ensure you get the highest return on your investment.
8. Include a call to action.
The goal of any ad or marketing piece is to elicit some kind of response from the audience who sees it. A call to action is the element of copy that tells an audience how you want them to respond to your advertisement or marketing piece. Typically, the call to action creates a sense of urgency around a message and provides instructions on what to do next. For example, a call to action might tell the audience to call the advertiser or visit their store or website.
Including a call to action is by far the most important aspect of effective copywriting. It is essential that you make it easy for your audience to act on your ad or marketing message. You already persuaded them to want your product by following Step 1 through Step 7 of the copywriting outline and by writing influential copy. Now you must make sure your audience can respond easily to your ad and buy your product by compelling them to act.
To start, make sure the sentence structure of your copywriting is in an active rather than passive voice. The reason for this is simple. Copy that you write in the active voice is by definition action-oriented, while copy that you write in the passive voice talks about the action in a remote manner.
To further explain, when you write a sentence in the active voice, the subject of the sentence performs the action of the verb in the sentence. On the other hand, if you write a sentence in the passive voice, the subject of the sentence receives the action from the verb of the sentence.
The second step in creating an effective call to action in your copy is developing a sense of urgency. Your goal in advertising is to create awareness of your product or service and, ultimately, boost sales. When do you want to do that? Do you want your customers to act tomorrow, next month, or next year?
If you’re spending money on advertising now, you most likely want your customers to act now. If that’s the case, your copy needs to tell them to get off the couch and get into your store now. There are many words and phrases you can add to your copy to create a sense of urgency.
9. C.Y.A. (Cover Your Ass)
While large companies have legal departments that review copy to ensure it does not expose the company to potential problems, smaller companies don’t usually have the budget to seek the opinion of an attorney for each ad they run or marketing piece they print. However, that doesn’t mean small business owners have any less responsibility for producing ads and marketing pieces that are honest and not considered deceptive.
Most small business owners are sole proprietors meaning if they lose a lawsuit, not only can their business assets be used to satisfy a plaintiff’s claim, but their personal assets can be targeted as well. When you’re writing copy, consider if claims that you can’t prove in your copy (or can’t provide appropriate disclaimers for) are worth it once you weigh the risk vs. the potential reward.
Aside from opening yourself up to possible litigation, exaggerating or falsifying claims about your product or your competition is unethical and a bad business practice. If you’re caught in a lie (no matter how small), word will spread quickly, and your reputation could be irreparably damaged. Again, weigh the risk vs. the potential reward before you advertise using claims you can’t prove.
Be careful of using words superlatives such as the examples in the following list:
* Free
* Guaranteed
* Best, lowest, fastest, etc.
* Or your money back
* Risk-free
* No risk
* No purchase necessary
* No cost
* No obligation
* No investment
* 100 percent
* Promise
* No questions asked
10. Proofread.
It is critical that you accurately proofread your copy. One of the quickest ways to lose credibility in advertising is to allow grammatical or spelling errors to appear in your advertisement or marketing pieces. Customers translate carelessness in ads into carelessness in products and service.
They ask themselves, “If this company doesn’t care enough to produce an ad without errors, how likely are they to care about taking care of me?” Professional businesses produce professional quality ads and ad copy, and that means their copy has been proofread again and again and is error free.
It Really Is That Simple
Copywriting is truly easy. If you do your research and prep work, your copy will shine. Don’t be afraid to take calculated risks and learn from your mistakes, but don’t waste your limited advertising budget. By doing the legwork first and thoroughly completing your copywriting outline, you’ll have a working document you can use as a tool to produce all your copywriting projects now and in the future. Spend some time up-front to develop a first rate copywriting outline, and you’ll reap the rewards later with a boost in sales and profits and a higher return in your advertising investments. Now kick some ass.
Effective Copywriting! Part II
There are a variety of reasons to create an advertisement or marketing piece. Before you write copy for your promotional piece, you need to understand your goals for that piece. What do you want to get in return? The copy you use in each ad or marketing piece will vary based on your goals for that promotion. While this book does not focus on the development of marketing plans and strategies, I will offer some examples of different objectives for ads or marketing pieces that, in turn, will affect the copy you use:
* Communicate a special offer
* Share information and raise awareness
* Generate leads
Your customers need to understand how your product or service is going to help them by making their lives easier, making them feel better, helping them save money, helping them save time, etc. In this step of the copywriting outline, you’ll build on the work you’ve done so far by taking your product’s features, benefits, and differentiators and specifically describing how they directly affect your target audience members’ lives in positive ways. Remember the first tenet of copywriting–your product or service is far less important than its ability to fulfill your customers’ needs.
Answer your target audience’s question “What’s in it for me?” Remember, you’re paying for your ad space and possibly graphic design too. Don’t waste your money by placing an ad with ineffective copy that does not clearly tell your customers what they’ll get by buying your product or service.
Large companies with big advertising and marketing budgets can test snappy, cliché headlines and copy in an attempt to find the best way to catch their target audience’s attention, but small and medium-size business owners typically have limited budgets.
For smaller businesses that only have one chance to communicate their message, copy must be written so the message, including benefits and differentiators, is heard and understood by the target audience. There is no room in a small business owner’s advertising budget to risk not getting that specific message across to the right people every time.
5. Focus on “you,” not “we.”
It is essential that you are aware of how you’re addressing your customers in your copy. To do this, you need to understand pronoun usage. Think back to your school days. Remember your English teacher explaining first person, second person, and third person?
As a refresher, first person (I, me, my, mine, we, us, our, ours) is the person speaking and second person (you, your, yours) is the person to whom one is speaking. It’s essential that you write copy that speaks to your target audience and not at them–and not about you.
Therefore, the majority of your copy in any ad or marketing piece should be written in the second person. For example, do you prefer copy that says, “Through our first-rate sales department, we can deliver cars within 24 hours” or “You can drive your new car tomorrow”? While the first copy example focuses on the business, the second example focuses on customers and speaks directly to them. It’s more personal, and thus, more effective.
Remember, writing in the second person helps your audience quickly connect the points in your copy to their own lives and allows them to personalize the advertisement or marketing piece. This is how the ad is connected to an individual customer’s own life. By writing your copy so it focuses on the customer rather than yourself, the customer can personalize the ad and product you’re selling and act accordingly.
6. Understand your medium.
As you write your copy, be aware that each different medium where an ad is placed requires a different tone or style. Depending on where you’re placing your ad, the copy you use changes based on the audience who will see the ad. Are you placing your ad in a local newspaper or on a billboard? Are you placing your ad in a woman’s magazine or in a news magazine?
Different media require different copy to most effectively persuade a particular audience to act. Furthermore, different types of marketing pieces require different types of copy. Remember, there are many ways to use copy to promote your business other than traditional advertisements. Use every possible and appropriate opportunity to communicate your marketing messages to your customers.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
"Detik-detik yang membosankan ketika raya" Intro
fucker (plural fuckers)
You fucker, you wrecked my car!
Let’s see if we can fix this fucker.
(taboo slang, humorous) People, friends, especially of very high solidarity.
What’s up, fuckers!?
(rare, taboo slang) One who fucks.
She was a good fucker, but to tell the truth, I had had enough for the night.
Effective Copywriting! Part I
Effective Copywriting! Intro
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Resepi Biskut Raya Tahun Ini...
Ok bahan2 nya:
1) 150gm mentega
p/s: resepi ini bujet leh dpt dlm 1-2 balang kuih.(rase2nye) Jangan terlalu tebal nanti xsedap, terlalu nipis nanti hangus. Kalo xreti jugak mintak tolong pakar. sekian. Selamat mencuba dan Selamat Hari Raya.
Santapan Rohani di Pagi Ramadan Part II
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Does Logic Stifle Creativity?
Quotes of the day

"I think and think for months, for years. Ninety-nine times the conclusion is false. The hundredth time I am right." - Albert Einstein
- Born: 14 March 1879
- Birthplace: Ulm, Germany
- Died: 18 April 1955 (heart failure)
- Best Known As: Creator of the theory of relativity
Thanks to his theory of relativity, Albert Einstein became the most famous scientist of the 20th century. In 1905, while working in a Swiss patent office, Einstein published a paper proposing a "special theory of relativity," a groundbreaking notion which laid the foundation for much of modern physics theory. (The theory included his famous equatione=mc².) Einstein's work had a profound impact on everything from quantum theory to nuclear power and the atom bomb. He continued to develop and refine his early ideas, and in 1915 published what is known as his general theory of relativity. By 1920 Einstein was internationally renowned; he won the Nobel Prize in 1921, not for relativity but for his 1905 work on the photoelectric effect. In 1933 Einstein moved to Princeton, New Jersey, where he worked at the Institute for Advanced Studies until the end of his life. Einstein's genius is often compared with that of Sir Isaac Newton; in 2000 Time magazine named him the leading figure of the 20th century.
Einstein was famously rumpled and frizzy-haired, and over time his image has become synonymous with absent-minded genius... He sent a famous letter to Franklin Roosevelt in 1939, warning that Germany was developing an atomic bomb and urging Allied research toward the same goal... Einstein married Mileva Maric in 1903. They had two sons: Hans Albert (b. 1904) and Eduard (b. 1910). They also had a daughter born before their marriage, Leiserl (b. 1902). She apparently was given for adoption or died in infancy. Mileva and Albert were divorced in 1914... He married his cousin Elsa Löwenthal in 1919, and they remained married until her death in 1936... The Institute for Advanced Studies has no formal link to Princeton University; however, according the IAS website, the two institutions "have many historic ties and ongoing relationships"... The Albert Einstein College of Medicine opened in New York City in 1955. It is part of Yeshiva University. Einstein did not create the school, but gave his permission to have his name used.